Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why does British media insist that I am oppressed?

Seriously the madness needs to stop, they take every negative issue that happens to a woman make it represent the entire Muslim population of Britain. Yes there a few that wear veil but there most that do not. There are some who dont integrate but most of us do. Yes we do get arranged marriage but you know what? WE CHOOSE TO, and yet they want ALWAYS focus on the exception where that is not the case. I went to college, I am educated, I am independent, I am social, I am fun, and yes I also am Muslim and Pakistani origin. Why must I always have to see people of my identity depicted in the media as village idiots. Its just not the case and you know what one day I will get married, probably an arranged marriage, and I will probably quite my job and become a housewive and a mother. And there should be no problem with that, because I CHOOSE to do so and it should be considered a respected job.

Why does British media insist that I am oppressed?
That`s very interesting,,now get back in the kitchen,,

Sorry Natty,I changed it to one of my paintings,,but if you insist I will swap it back,,

Have a good day getting mad at us,,always enjoy your early morning rants,,lol
Reply:same reason as your type insist all english men are beer drinking football hooligans, and all the women are whores. people generalise to enforce their mistrust for each other. as long as you are happy with your life everything else is irrelevant.
Reply:I don't even think your a Muslim, I propose that you are a weirdo with multiple accounts!
Reply:everyone woman wants to have more than just children.
Reply:Desist from your oral shite.
Reply:When your husband chains you to the stove and sets fire to you because your dowry was insufficient...

When you brothers slit your throat and discard your body because you kissed a non-Muslim...

When many of your womenfolk are never allowed out of the house...

When they are not allowed to learn English because it would enable them to talk to "foreigners"...

Oppressed? No, of course you're not. You like it that way. We're the ones who've got it wrong, and if we adopted sharia law, everything would be rosy and full of joy, harmony and enlightenment.

Just because you personally got away with it does not mean they all can.

O.K. Natty, I stand corrected - on one point! How about the others? (I have loads of "liberated" Muslim North African girls among my students, and they are great fun to have around! I mean those who are less fortunate - you know exactly what I mean.)
Reply:go to bed and have a rest you will feel better.
Reply:If you are so happy about doing all of these things or you "CHOOSE" to do them, why are you defending yourself in such a strong manner? If your OK with who you are, what you believe and how you live your life, then what do you care about what others, who decide to be ignorant and afraid of what they don't understand? You always seem to be upset with what other people think and your anger gets the better of you!
Reply:why do women wear the veil and the burkha in the 21st Century. I find as a woman that it's reprehensible, and i am not speaking from a religious point of view, but one who has fought long and hard for a degree of equality and i can't honestly understand that being covered from head to toe with no part of the body except for the eyes showing is in anyway part of modern life. It's thinking like this that alienates people in this country. And as someone from Pakistan pointed out many young girls are choosing to wear it, out of a sense of National pride, well this is not Pakistan, but Britain and sorry but it has no place in this society. It is dividing people and that includes me, i see many women where we are and wonder what planet they are living on. If you are happy to be like this well more fool you. Its as though you are sticking up two fingers to the people you should be integrating with, and many people fear that the agenda is that Britain becomes an Islamic state and then you will see people rise up like the BNP, is that what many of the Asian community want, i don't think so.
Reply:gawd help us, she's at it again! rant, rant, rant............... it's so bloody boring. Change the record, Natty
Reply:That's the first sensible and well informed argument that I have ever heard from you.

Well said!!
Reply:They are trying to warn you of the real nature of the beast. It's a bit like the cat that sleeps on the hearth during the day and purrs and rubs against you and is soft to touch. You think 'nice little pussycat'. But what's it like at night, when its out of our sight and has its freedom? It goes on the tiles and indulges its darker side. It's just not the same cat.

What you have experienced of Islam in Britain today is the nice, acceptable face, because Islam is wooing us all into believing that it's a nice little pussycat. So, it occasionally brings a mouse home and torments it, but no, it's a tame cat, isn't it?

As you wish. We can only give you warnings and show you the face of Islam where this pussycat is not so tame, in fact it's a wildcat. And that's its essential nature.

You are at present benefiting from the influence of the British and European culture, which means that the true nature of Islam has been muted and toned down. Please, go live in Indonesia or parts of Africa or in most other Islamic countries and try using the freedoms that you have now and you will see a different way of doing things. For a start off, you wouldn't be allowed to do all the hip things you like doing now - it would be the law. Nothing to do with choice. You would have to conform, or else be punished.

You have been deceived. Sorry, that's my opinion, and I have a right to it, just as you have. I know this is an emotional issue with you, but can you just for once try to think about this and see that nobody's trying to get at anybody - it costs us too, don't you see - but we have to warn you, for your own good.

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