How would Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Loa-Tzu and Confucius respond to some of the current social and political dilemmas such as racism and poverty, war and murder, marriage and divorce, sex and drugs, individuality and freedom, capitalism and injustice, media and truthfulness, and education and politics
-please help me out!!!
The more specific the better (thank you)
How would Jesus,Mohammed,Buddha,Loa-Tzu and Confucius respond to some of the current social%26amp;political dilemmas
Reveal all secrets and the world will be at peace. This is the one thing these spiritual leaders would all agree.
Reply:i am not sure i never meet any of them but i hope someday that Allah will allow me to meet Jesus and Mohammed...peace be upon them...God Willing
I have studied religion some out of curiosity, but I'm not religious, so hopefully I wont show too much of a bias. I think however Mohomed's reaction would be the most different from the others. Mohamed was a very warlike man, and spent large parts of his life in military campaigns, he even taught that if breaking a treaty can give a muslim the upper hand, it should be done. In short muhamed's own life was violent and ruthless. He also seemed to have no problem with underage sex, and even had a 12 year old wife. Mohamed would also be more for promoting racism especially against jews, rather than against it. As for war I believe that at least Jesus and The Buddha would be anti war. Freedom I think would be supported by all at last for there own people, and as long as it didn't cause injustice or immorality. Christ reached out to the poor, and seemed to think that rich indifference was an incredible crime, as all people are brothers and sisters. The Buddha also had compassion on the poor by teaching against the caste system, and thus supporting people improving there lot in life. It is true however that these issues were around when these people lived, and what they said says it better than I have. Good luck on finding the answers
Reply:Is that part of your school work? If it is so, it would be better you do your research in the Libraries.
Reply:Well, since Jesus apparently told George Bush to invade Iraq, I doubt that he would have any comment at all on that. Things must be going as planned.
Reply:These social dilemnas have been around since the dawn of Man. The comments that they made then will suffice for now.
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