I mean, CNN, Fox News, Newspapers, everything that you see in it is allowed to be published or broadcasted. I just wonder how many stories, international events and significant social events go swept under the rug, or portrayed in a way to simply pusuade the public into one point of view? Sometimes it seems we are being controlled on a mass scale.
The media, in all forms, is it just a means of control?
Operation Mockingbird
(look it up)
Reply:Of course it is a means to control us. The media enjoys keeping the American public under informed on critical things and over informed on nonsense. We are only controlled if we allow ourselves to be controlled. There is so much going on in the world and even our own country that they rarely show. Viewing foreign news sources is a good way to gain perspective and other view points on what is happening in this country and abroad.
Reply:Check this out; it is one of the better explanations of the History, online:
Reply:If you are talking about state-run media like Al-Jezeera, then you are correct. Western media is free to report on anything they wish with virtually no government intervention. Some news organizations do report the news with their own "slant". At least you can believe the ones who proclaim their political leaning, those who claim to be "fair and balanced" are usually not.
Reply:yes you are correct.
i laugh when i hear people say "Fox is right wing news" really? That's why ruppert is often seen with hillary and other democrats. it's all about control and money and they'll sell whatever people want to buy. left right or whatever....
Reply:Following this line of thought you could easily say that there is at least some low level form of manipulation going on every time you go outside of your house or log onto your computer.
Media was a lot weirder awhile back- it's actually improved since the 1800s.
I think in some part media is at least partially necessary for communication, though all of it does lean toward extreme commercialism (actually, it's more like the media is underneath the surface of a commercialized sea, what with all the ads you see).
We're brought up to be consumers in this day and age, and a lot of it revolves around the control that media has on our lives.
Reply:watch Fox News and read the Wall Street Journal ,wrap your garbage with the n.y. times and you will be ok!you may also want to catch Rush on the radio or Glenn Beck. this the equivalent of a rhodes scholarship in street smarts!after reading the answers I can see that 40 yrs. of democrat control has ruined our education system.yo you really should have the ability to think for yourself and make choices.hello!!!
Reply:Remember when OPEC was in the paper and on the news all the time? What ever happened to that? There is something up with the "news" that never gets into the papers.
We are at the mercy of the people who choose the news.
Reply:The media has always been in a position to exert influence over individuals. No one knew this better than Benjamin Franklin with his Poor Richard's Almanac. Ben recognized the power of the "printed" word and capitalized upon it.
William Randolph Hearst was a master of the printed word. If the "word" wasn't there, he invented it. Today's media "moguls" are no less inventive than Franklin or Hearst.
Each of us can only form our own values, our integrity, and act accordingly, without being persuaded by those who may want to be in control.
Reply:Of course it is!!! Its owned by the corporations that run our govenment. But you can count on independent media (I suggest Alternet and indymedia)
Reply:yes, it's called scare the **** out of mindless americans so they don't realize how corrupt their government is.
Reply:I think American idol is rigged.
Reply:You are totally correct.
"Consolidation" has put the mass media
under the control of a very few.
These few become power brokers, selling
influence to politicians for considerations.
Look at the farce of the 'bandwidth auction`
where radio frequencies, (public domain
were sold to media corporations for a tiny
fraction of their true value.
The latest move is an attempt at the internet.
Those who fear free speech, deserve to be
carefully watched .....and thwarted.
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