Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What do you think is a social problem for America?

Ex: Media, Weight Problems, Education...

Anything but the obvious. It's for my sociology class. Thanks!

What do you think is a social problem for America?
I think a social problem is that we're convinced that the easiest route is the best route. Watch the movie "Idiocracy" that will give you some great ideas as to what is wrong with America today....we've lost all passion for hard work and honesty.
Reply:i think americans have a problem taking criticism. american went to india, and says he loves it, only hates how they constantly correct his pronunciation of indian words. Hello! my dad came from russia, and to this day he cannot forgive americans for NOT correcting his english, even when he *asked* them to before each conversation! americans can't tell the difference between "i disagree" and "you are an idiot". to me, "i disagree" shows *respect* because it says "i think you are reasonable enough to discuss this issue and understand other points of view and maybe improve your own from new info".

it is still hard for me to keep my mouth shut and just *think* about how wrong other people are "... but.... that's not what einstien meant by relativity ... i took physics ... must. not. point out. person. is wrong. must. appear. to. listen...."

and it is also hard for me to forgive people when i say something stupid -- and the person just sits there thinking about how stupid i am instead of giving me some fact.

i think americans would be as a whole a lot more intelligent and civilized if they can argue with each other all the time like the brittish do - *without* taking argument personally!
Reply:There can be several such as Homelessness, Mental Health issues, Weight problems, and Poverty to name a few...
Reply:I think one of the biggest problems is the lack of comprehensive sex education. Absitinence education has led us to the highest rates of teenage pregnancy in all of the developed countries. This subsequentially can lead to bad parenting, poverty, drug use, child and partner abuse, etc. etc.
Reply:materialism. in order to be successful you have to have a big house, nice car etc.. But people send their babies to day cares at 2 weeks old to have money to buy things they don't need.

i could go on and on.

murder rates

political issues

Reply:1 mistake that you seem to commit repeatedly, is that your government insists on starting wars w/out the publics seemingly approval. So that after 1-2 yrs into the war, your nation ends up divided on that topic, when you in fact should be united about it. So I`d say, national unity seems to be a problem in the US. Other social problems in the US, would take up way to much space here getting into. Rich vs poor, greed etc.
Reply:Widespread alienation of fathers from their children. Causes necessary expansion of welfare, poverty for most, lack of father is not realistic world view to teach children. This serves to divide our population into weaker noncohesive groups. We are only beginning to see the sad ramnifications of these unnatural social precedents.
Reply:you have to understand that America is a state that is based on contradiction and fueled by hate. the first motion picture made in America is one praising the KKK this should speak volumes about the social problems in america.

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