Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What impact does the media have on pubic opinion and policy?

its for social studies

What impact does the media have on pubic opinion and policy?
The issues politicians talk about dont come from the public concerns.They are created by the media.Its best not to watch the news. They create storys out of thin air and get people emotional about them.I would rate the media as one of the U.S. biggest problems.
Reply:Huge. The rest of the info you have to look up yourself.
Reply:Funny. I'm writing a paper on this subject right now.

so i'll just give you a few words... then as everybody else here has suggested you can look it up yourself.

- Ownership, methods of data allocation and here is the big one "Framing"
Reply:mucho! people tend to remember the last thing they heard or saw (of course). so each time you ask a certain question, the last input to the brain is freshest, best remembered and will shape what you think
Reply:a very strong and dangerous impact which can cause terrible disasters
Reply:I hate to sound flippant, but...if it's for a class, you should probably do the work yourself. Check in your textbooks, look online for some basic information, etc.


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