Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why do people say the media is "liberal" if they publish stories that contradict religion or pop. rel leaders?

is this another example of "liberal media"? or is it just a former 'believer' seeing he was duped and writing a tell all book to warn others like he was?

Book: Bush Aides Called Evangelicals 'Nuts'

White House advisors sought the support of conservative Christians but mocked them in private, writes a onetime administration official.

By Peter Wallsten, Times Staff Writer

October 13, 2006

WASHINGTON — A new book by a former White House official says that President Bush's top political advisors privately ridiculed evangelical supporters as "nuts" and "goofy" while embracing them in public and using their votes to help win elections.

The former official also writes that the White House office of faith-based initiatives, which Bush promoted as a nonpolitical effort to support religious social-service organizations, was told to host pre-election events designed to mobilize religious voters who would most likely favor Republican candidates.

Why do people say the media is "liberal" if they publish stories that contradict religion or pop. rel leaders?
The neocon Republicans have been an experiment showing how gullible evangelically religious sheep can be.

Neocons have proved that their church-going sheep will believe 99% of whatever they brainwash them into believing, no matter how obviously wrong it is. By labelling Democrats, the media and common sense with derogatory, vilifying hate slogans, the neocons can manipulate their sheep into doing anything the neocons want.

There is nothing moral about Bush or any of his cabinet. He is the most immoral, corrupt and manipulative President this country has ever had.


Reply:Let me try to communicate it this way.

2 Tim. 3:16-17

Matthew 18:16, 2 Cor. 13:1

zero witnesess-------- Total Ignorance

1 Witness--------------- (false god (man) assertion, opinion speculation

2 or morewitnesses -- Scriptural Fact

Is the scriptural old testament Genesis-Malachi or the law of Moses?
Reply:People call the media "liberal" as a recognition that the majority of people in the media identify themselves as democrats. Obviously there are exceptions, FOX news being one of them. The story you posted may have been timed to hit the press, or given a more prominent position in the newspapers by people who hope to help sway elections in favor of democratic candidates by eroding Bush's support base, but without evidence it would be rash to assume that such a supposition was true.

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