i posted on a thread today and it was removed when i said i think a black president would lead to a social break down and a boom in the welfare system. since we all know the majority of races mooching off the system are black its a sad place that a crybaby has to get my thread taken down to protect the truth of what race is killin this nation
So why is it media protects the BLACKS?
They can't handle the truth.
Reply:the person above me took my answer...funny bearcat
Reply:Maybe this one will last longer. :)
Reply:can you say "Lawsuit" and "boycott"?
Reply:People like you deserve to be kicked in the head, I am white btw.
Reply:One word NACCP.
And I believe that the race or better yet lazy mental of people (not a race) is what is killing society, they all think that someone owes them something . The past is done with , now we should move on.
Reply:Hahaha, lol you're kidding right?
Reply:to make you mad.
And actually, I'm not on welfare, and I have a Master's....do you even have a GED or did you drop out in kindergarten?
Reply:Racism must end....We are all humans.. You should ck out the content of the character not the color of the person.
Reply:to protect crybaby white honkeys like you.
Reply:The media isn't protecting African-Americans, Yahoo is just protecting its site from people who spread messages of race and hate, such as yourself.
And I'm not here to make a racist statement in return, but here's some factual evidence against your claims. Whites actually collect the greatest amount of public aid dollars aka welfare, not African-Americans. Look up the facts....
Reply:I can see why you were removed. For you information, only 9% of those receiving social programs are black (82% are white); although they account for 10% of the population. Get your facts straight first and then you will appear more intelligent.
Reply:Surely not. I hope not. I dont think Obama would allow that to happen. he even knows that welfare is killing the black community.
Reply:There are plenty of white trash freeloaders too. As a matter of fact, more welfare money goes to white people than any other group. Black people may have a higher percentage on welfare, but the total amount of money paid to them is still less.
Having a black president, may actually have a positive effect on the community, by showing them that you don't have to be a thug, athlete, or entertainer to be successful and get respect. It would give some street cred to being smart and eloquent, which of course, has been true all along.
Reply:hopefully a black president will result in the deportation of people like you
Reply:Wow...so how's the KKK doing these days?
You KKK guys still educate your kids with comic books?
Reply:Why did you contradict yourself? Is it the medias fault that you were censored or one random crybaby's? If you want to vent your anti black sentiment, try stormfront.org or something like that.
Reply:you are a jerk, a racist, a sob, you **** !
little kids are more than you'll ever be in one life time, go **** yourself! Bush is worst, he is the one that trashed our American economy fyi!
Reply:Black people are killing the nation? What are you talking about! Are you insane! Without black people America and England would not be where it is today. Black people were the ones who established these countries.
Who built America? Black people did. Blacks gave birth to the nation, you are crazy to think that we are the ones killing it! Most blacks today are educated, in college, have good jobs. There are a minority who are doing otherwise. Please open your eyes.
Reply:You live under a rock, don't you?
Reply:how the hell does the media protect blacks?! the media can't even show anything positive about us. America has always had a fear of the black man....if anything the media tears us to pieces everyday. ur just a racist *** who does not know what you are talking about.
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