I'm sure it's been like this forever, but I've noticed that among my friends and pretty much everyone I know, our friendship are now based of pointless back-and-forths and debates about pretty meanlingless topics. Alot of times I can tell that people make a concious effort to contradict what those around them say just for the sake of doing it..... In my eyes it's kinda devaluing the idea of a friendship
Also this is becoming HUGE on television with political /social debates now almost becoming sporting events. Does this seem petty to you? why do you think it's happening?
Constant Debating in the media/society?
I think that it is VERY petty...
I have seen so many people that "Argue" the same topics over and over and over again but not because they are trying to make a difference...
They are just preaching to the choir.
People of one mind tend to cluster to each other and when they cluster they start repeating the same things over and over again in order to "Verify" that they are "Right" because their friends agree with them...
If you get a whole room full of Liberals you will eventually start chanting about how Bush is a Nazi...
If you get a room full of Bible Thumping Conservatives together it will break in to an anti-gay rally...
If you get blacks together (and Jessie Shows up) you will end up with an "I hate whitey" Chant that ends with a prayer...
Goths will start talking smack about religion and cheerleaders…
It is ALL very predictable…
We gather with people like us so that we can have the self-esteem boost of feeling like we truly “Belong”.
It is a Herding Instinct… We follow the group…
It is VERY hard for us to think for ourselves when it is so much easier to just follow the heard.
Thinking for yourself makes the average person’s head hurt…
Reply:Cause it's fun to argue.
Imagine how boring everything would be if we all agreed on everything. TV takes it to the next level, and in many cases in bad taste. Some of my best friends have very different opinions on important topics, that's what keeps the relationship fresh. If you didn't have stuff to argue about, what would you talk about?
root canal
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