Sunday, July 11, 2010

Madeline McCann essay-- The media is why the parents are viewed negatively?

In my AP English 3 class, we each presented a current social issue from a completely objective view point. We then wrote down three thesis (plural... how do you make thesis plural? That one always messes me up), each presenting a different side (basically, black, white, and grey areas). We then each had to draw a thesis out of a bucket for an essay topic. The thesis I drew is "The media is the reason why the parents of Madeline McCann are viewed so negatively." Now, I'm fairly well versed on this case (I follow cases such as this, Jonbenet Ramsey, etc. as a hobby), but I still don't exactly grasp the concept.

Now, for the actual question-- Do you wonderful answer-givers have any great RELIABLE sources for this topic? It has caused me a lot of stress, and I figured I would turn to Yahoo Answers to see if you guys had any brilliant ideas.

Thanks sooo much! Your suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Madeline McCann essay-- The media is why the parents are viewed negatively?
It is hard to know. However, the media has to fill up space and often uses "yellow journalism" practices to fulfill this. This can lead to negative images of any of the parties involved.


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