Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Do you think a Obama will breakdown if he criticized by the media now or during the General Election?

The ladies (and I use that term loosely) on the View speculated that Obama couldn't handle scrutiny under the Republicans.

I beg to differ because as a black man, Obama would not have gotten this far in life if he couldn't handle criticism or deal with racism in America. In fact, I think that life in America has prepared the average black person for dealing with all sorts of professional and social challenges. I was most surprised to hear someone like Whoopi, who is a dark-skinned accomplished woman, say that another accomplished black person would not be able to successfully endure racism in the media... Maybe Ms. Goldberg was given everything she has on a silver platter over the years. lol

Do you think a Obama will breakdown if he criticized by the media now or during the General Election?
First of all there are no ladies on the View. They're a bunch of windbags.....maybe not Elisabeth and Whoopi. Anyway....Obama will be just fine and can handle anything tossed his way. Even Whoopi isn't right all the time. She did grow up very poor.
Reply:I don't remember the conversation exactly going that way. However, Whoopie is bargaining. It's what most black folks have to do to succeed in a white man's world.
Reply:Hillary is dealing with sexism which, as a woman, I can tell you is no day at the beach either. Both of them, to have gotten this far, have incredible fortitude regardless of gender or color. Clinton and Obama ought to pool their many talents and accomplishments and run on a ticket together.
Reply:No Barack Obama will stay the course to paraphrase another politician.(W)
Reply:I agree with you, I think he'll stand strong 'til the end

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