Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Why don't the conservative media like Ron Paul?

The last days, I've read this question so many times in here, I start wondering myself, but from another point of view.

This man is an anarchic capitalist; someone who wants to give all influence to free enterprises, throw back the social systems to 19th century standard and keep out the government of everything possible. He's that kind of guy, you would expect to hand over the nuclear arsenal controll to private security agencies and put the job as US surpreme court judge for sale on ebay to minorize state's influence.

So, I could think of numerous conservative medial enterprises, that couldn't wish someone, who fits better to their interests. Why don't they cheer him up to the sky, no matter how his results are, and declare, the nation will suffer worse than at 9/11, if he doesn't win, but try to keep silent about him?

What's the reason for that? Is he even to radical for them, or is it the lack of this moralic fig leaf, some Reps like to wear, or what is it?

Why don't the conservative media like Ron Paul?
The man is a total nut job. It is not just the media who don't like him it is the rest of the conservatives and most of the libertarians who don't like him.
Reply:Because in many aspects he is a true Conservative. Something that has waved bye to the Republicans in the last 20 years, and this scares them. They don't want someone up there questioning Republicans on why they are not acting like Republicans. His domestic policies are what a true Conservative is. Limited government and fiscal responsibility.
Reply:Nice try........Silly Ron Paul hater....Your rhetoric was lame at best.
Reply:Why fight other companies for your profits when you can rely on a government supported system to make things easy for you?
Reply:The media does not like him because he threatens to expose and destroy the machinery with which they fool the American people. The corporate bosses are addicted to the system of kickbacks and favors and they are willing to shell out big money to keep it operational.
Reply:Conservatives tend to be more practical.

Did you hear about the handful of people who escaped from a mental hospital a while ago?

Well, they are all Ron Paul fans.
Reply:Because he does not serve their corporate masters.

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