Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Has the media been completely irresponsible in it's coverage of V tech shootings ?

The meadia in Canada and America are induldgeing in a frenzy of gore and mental illness -

They are giving massive time and coverage to a tradgedy

Suicides in this country are never reported because of a copy cat syndrome that no one wants

Is the meadia's coverage and the ammount of it an irresponsible act that may end up encourageing others who are ill and disafected by society ?

Is it right or good for citzens to feed off such horror and misery ?

Should newspaper editors and News room producers have exercised more restraint and shown more social responsibility that they have ?

Has the media been completely irresponsible in it's coverage of V tech shootings ?
I think it is irresponsible.

All three major NYC newspspers papers had the killer, gun in each hand, on the front page.

And network airtime is very expensive. But they gave this guy's videos hours of exposure. They gave him EXACTLY what he wanted.

Too many people want to see this garbage. I hope we all learned something - especially the media. And I hope they don't disseminate this pathetic message of hate anymore, and feed other sick souls.
Reply:It looks like to me that they see the incident as a cash cow.
Reply:I think they are. With the package sent to NBC, most of the major news networks have glorified the gunman with his movies and pictures without condemning his words. They are drooling over this story and not carring about repercussions such as copy cat killings or inspiring similiar actions such as bombings.
Reply:They are like this about everything... from school shootings to attacking our efforts in Iraq.
Reply:First of all they are not going to listen to me.....I feel it is horrible how the media portrays stars....etc.,..including v tech shootings....I HAVE HAD PERSONAL TRAGEDIES IN MY LIFE....and i would not want them publicized stuff all over the media...because you know THEY WILL GET THINGS WRONG OR MAKE UP RUMORS...AND I FEEL FOR THE PEOPLE must be a nightmare!!! it never ends...IT IS NOT GOOD TO KEEP RE-LIVING IT%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;
Reply:it may have been bad judgement to show things from the killer-his tapes, writing, ect

this has to be reported on. suicides also don't get reported because they don't effect people the way a tragedy like this does.
Reply:I just can't take the oversaturation. It's been this way since at least OJ. I am sympathetic to these kids families but please, report the facts you have and then report anything new.

It seems like all other news goes on hiatus until the next event.

Heard about Imus lately? How about Katrina or Pelosi going to Syria? Aren't we in a war somewhere? Wasn't AG Gonsalves appearing on Capitol Hill today?
Reply:Thats right, its a money grab for sure. they all should be fined for forcing us to watch the intimate details of the life of a physco. personally I couldn't care less what happened at VT.
Reply:educate the masses on mental illness, the medications they take, how to stop this from happening again (columbine) How gun control makes it worse, How the school officials pulled a "brownie" katrina, slow response, propaganda.

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