Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why do the media persistently denigrate men?

Why do the media denigrate men? Concerted contempt for men now seems to have become pervasive in popular culture, from advertising to political talk-shows. This has very largely been as a result of negative depiction of men by the media and by constant reinforcement. The effects of such persistent denigration have never been independently or adequately studied until now.

The things the media present and the manner in which they are presented - notably on television and in Hollywood films - obviously have a powerful effect in the public mind. When viewers are constantly being bombarded with images of men being put down, subjected to snide 'asides', slapped around, generally treated as idiots, or otherwise abused, viewers eventually come to perceive of this kind of behaviour as being normal and permissible. However, such constant misrepresentations are unhealthy, anti-social, sexist, and completely unacceptable.

Why do the media persistently denigrate men?
I'll give you sources on what you're saying, because this to me is a really important issue because it imprints a label to men how they're just stupid etc.

King Of Queens - Husband stupid, Wife strong, smart and liberated

The Simpsons - I don't have to explain

Family Guy - Again, no need to explain


Yes dear - The same as King Of Queens

Jackass - This show and others similar to it have a big effect on boys minds, they made 2 movies out of this which went global.

Dirty Sanchez - They also made a movie

The Dudesons - They made a movie

Viva La Bam

Kenny Vs Spenny

Ed Vs Spencer

World Famous For Dicking Around

Wildboyz - They even made a movie

Disney Shows - Generally showing the boy as more stubborn than the girl.

Nickelodeon Shows - Shows like Girls Vs Boys, in one episode i flicked over too the girls were saying to the guys "do you have any balls?"

These are only a small handful of shows, not movies, that i have mentioned.. I'm sick of all of this, men being showed in that perspective, imagine the effect this has on children.
Reply:Maybe, but general public just see it as funny i suppose.

Same has been done with female characters too, if you see.

Normally, women treat men with respect and vice versa.In real life I don't think we judge each other by whats shown in movies.

If someone does, they have some growing up to do.

More pressing issue would be something like violence in movies.
Reply:Everyybody gets put down. Look at all the stereotypes that are constantly being perpetuated because that person happens to belong to a particular group and it never seems to occur to the writers than many people in that group are not like that at all. Haven't you noticed that the children are overly precocious and the smaller the child is, the more precocious that child is? How about fat women? They're almost always sassy. Black men are portrayed as being drug dealers, rappers, and athletes while the women are loud and overly concerned about their appearance. White women are privileged neurotics and Asian women are hot and sexy while their male counterparts are nerdy, asexual, and super smart. Middle Eastern types are terrorists. I agree, it is annoying. I would like to see more families where the children aren't smarter than their parents and the fathers aren't bumbling idiots while their wives aren't all-knowing and put upon.
Reply:You have a very good point, Celtish. Most of the American sitcoms, and I suspect some of the British ones too, show men as being idiots who only think of sex, food, and beer (not that there’s anything wrong with that), and it takes their wife to “save the day” by the end of the 30 minutes.

I refuse to watch shows like that. I doubt my boycott makes much of a dent, but it’s the least I can do.
Reply:I agree with your opinion...albeit somewhat. I have seen more evidence of this with women in Hollywood, etc, than of men. Usually the types of men portrayed in most movies are either loners, dorks, geeks or they are shown to be God like--or studly. I don't particulary like those kind of movies/shows---particulary shows like "Friends" or movies like "The Core" or "Armaggedon". Albeit they are entertaining---they model the characters you describe in your opinion above and send wrong signals to many people (particulary young, impressionable folks) throughout the viewing audience.

Back to my original point. Women (up until about 20 years ago) were largely shown as weak, fearful and obedient. For a few exceptions (like Sigourney Weaver's character in Alien)...most shows depicted such a role without much rebuttal until the 1970's and 80's. Now-a-days you see evidence of strong characters from both women and men.

But you do have a point.....hope my opinion helps....
Reply:I've noticed this especially in the UK, I'm surprised men put up with it unless its true that they are how they're portrayed.Here in advertising they're shown to be lazy useless drunk thoughtless football mad inconsiderate brainless irresponsible forgetful domestiacly challenged slobs.
Reply:I think what you are saying is very factual, but the bad thing about is, that some men actually think this is the acceptable behavior, but like so many biases in the media some people buy into it even though these are currently exceptions to the rule
Reply:For the past several years Ive noticed a trend in TV commercials.

When a man and woman are in a commercial together the man is frequently portrayed as an idiot , a slob or a gullible fool.

I assume this is due to the fact that the advertisers target market is **women who think they are superior to men***
Reply:That's just the Feminists showing the world how strong women are; that "we" over come oppression; funny how they have become the oppressors themselves; point this out to them and they'll surely deny it; anyways it's not a good quality to have when one is out for equal rights.
Reply:The pendulum swings both ways and now it has swung to that side. I can still recall back when everyone else was going nuts over "I LOVE LUCY", and my mother and I both couldn't stand her! To us, she was just an annoying and very stupid loudmouth!

More recently, we have had that whole "Valley Girl" thing. You notice it was "Valley GIRL" not "Valley BOY" - talk about a thoroughly IDIOTIC image!

I certainly do not agree with the depiction of men as idiots, but I don't agree with the depiction of women that way either.

Unfortunately, there is more than enough stupidity to go around - on BOTH sides of the gender fence - and enough idiots who think it is entertaining to keep this disgusting trend going well into the future.

As a woman, I naturally don't like to see women denigrated, and, since, of the three people who have meant the most to me in this lifetime, two are men, I don't like to see them denigrated, either.

I would just like to see the whole concept of stupidity as entertainment flushed into the sewer where it belongs - whichEVER gender is involved!
Reply:Do you mean like that movie Superbad? If you're referring to films like that, I can really see what you mean.

I personally can't stand the whole dumb male stereotype in television and radio advertising. Like men don't even have the know-how to heat up a can of soup without screwing something up. Sheesh.

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