Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why does the media try to skew the facts on immigration to dupe the public and promote their liberal agenda?

According to this article on yahoo news, immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than US citizens. This logic is flawed from the start. The study does not differentiate between illegal and legal immigrants, but by definition an illegal immigrant has already broken the law the moment they step foot into the country.

This article and the logic of the author is a joke.

Not to mention that many illegals go on to forge documents, social security numbers, etc.....

The article also uses the prison population as their basis for these statistics. This also is flawed. Some illegal aliens are deported therefore they wouldn't be in our prisons. The other untold millions are breaking the law but still running free.

Why does the media and the left want amnesty for these people who have no respect for our laws? Why does the media want to make it sound like the immigrants are better than the average American? This is garbage. Yahoo news is garbage and reuters is garbage.

Why does the media try to skew the facts on immigration to dupe the public and promote their liberal agenda?
You are my hero.

So many people feel some type of pity for these illegal immigrants.

All I can say is; they are ILLEGAL.

I don't care if they are doing the jobs Americans don't want to, or if they aren't committing nearly as many crimes as American Citizens.

It doesn't matter; they are breaking the law just by breathing the air that hangs over this nation or stepping one filthy, illegal foot on our soil.

They are a drain on this economy. And, may I mention; Mexicans/illegals make up many of the most violent gangs in the nation and are the main contributor to our drug problem.

The media is full of liberal idiots.

Watch Fox News.
Reply:The Myth of Immigrant Criminality.

Ruben G Rumbaut: Walter A. Ewing

University of California, Irvine,

Sex Crimes and Illegal Immigrants: Misuse of Statistics for politics,

Mark C. Chu-Carroll

Incarcerated America

Human rights watch Back grounder.

Hispanic prison population 18.26%, includes imates from 27 countries, Legal and Undocumented.

The US Gulag Prison System

Stephen Lendman

Hispanic Prisoners in the United States

There is no undocumented Crime wave in the United States, PERIOD !
Reply:Because scum can only get ahead by lying, cheating, stealing, and demanding rights for gays and illegals they don't deserve.
Reply:I think it's incredibly hard to get any accurate facts/data on the issue of illegal immigration, not only because of an agenda on both sides, but because it's hard to count people who are, by nature, hiding from you!

As you point out, you can't just lump legal and illegal immigrants together and you can't take data from legal immigration and use it to assume things about illegal immigration!, because those two groups are fundamentally different.

It seems like everyone has an agenda regarding this issue, and -all- the data is skewed. The only "study" I would believe is one that originates from a government source - because although it might be affected by a political agenda, it's also in the government's best interest to know the truth.

EDIT: Well, I read your link, and I'm surprised these people even had the nerve to pass their conclusions off as legitimate, given the premise. They say that since there are proportionately fewer foreigners in prison in California that foreigners are less likely to commit crimes? An equally logical conclusion would be that immigrants in California are more likely to hop back across the border when they get into trouble!
Reply:Because corporate America wants cheap labor.
Reply:no also have an agenda
Reply:Just as you believe that Immigrants in our country are illegal many people believe the same about you unless you are Native American. For example Mexicans see the Southwest as land that they should have a right to because they believe that the Mexican war was an illegal invasion. It's just a difference of opinion that you have to live with. Also I would like to point out the fact that illegals are jailed for the same things any other person would be jailed for. Deportation is only used when misdemeanors occur but for all serious crimes you get jail no matter where your from.
Reply:Read it and weep.
Reply:didnt you know also that Americans cause neighborhoods to look like Third World slums and immigrants, esspecially illegal ones, live in beautiful, clean, free of crime boroughs with excellent high standards for education.

Sure the prisons may not have immigrants, but the colleges are full of them, esspecially illegal immigrants, who each have 1 or 2 kids per family, while Americans have 8-12 and can't feed them so they have to sneak into another country to make more money and feed their infestation program.
Reply:That particular group (the one who did the research) has an agenda. (I can't believe they are treating this as legitimate research, to be honest.) They are a "private" non-profit...funded and founded by the big cheese at Hewlett Packard. Big industry LOVES cheap labor. Next, they'll say we should listen to all the research done by the tobacco interests. Didn't you know nicotine is GOOD for you?

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