Legal Immigration
This is an anonymous and confidential survey designed to investigate how you feel about legal immigration in the United States.
Please mark or fill in the appropriate response.
1. Age ______
2. Sex
[ ] Male [ ] Female
3. Political Party
[ ] Republican [ ] Democrat [ ] Libertarian [ ] Other (please specify)__________
4. How many times a week would you say you hear something about immigration in the media? (i.e. TV, newspaper, internet, magazines, etc) ______
5. How many of the people you present to be close to you are immigrants?
[ ] 1-5 [ ] 6-10 [ ] 11-15 [ ] 16-20 [ ] 21+ [ ] None
6 Immigration provides more pros than cons for the United States.
[ ] Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] Disagree [ ] Strongly Disagree
7. Immigration hurts the United State’s economy.
[ ] Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] Disagree [ ] Strongly Disagree
8. Please check each statement that you agree with.
a. ____ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your country?
b. ____ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your community?
c. ____ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your neighborhood?
d. ____ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live next door to you?
e. ____ Would you permit your child to marry an immigrant?
Please answer the following question in the space provided.
9. Do you believe that immigrants take jobs away from U.S. citizens? Why or why not?
Can you guys please fill out my survey, its for my social reseach class, thanks.?
1. 17
2. female the making
4.7 days a week
5. 11-15
6. disagree
7. strongly agree
9. No, because there are more than enough jobs for every resident or inhabitant of the US. i just think that many people are overacting and use their laziness as a way to blame people who actually want to earn a decent living for themselves and their families for their "lack" in finances.
If you are born in the united states you have the oppurtunity to go to school for free until the 12th grade and its up to you to earn a living and use your education in a way that will benefit you.
Reply:Age. 28
Political Party. not affiliated.
How many times ... 1-5 (perhaps 5/week.)
How many people ... 1-5 (3, very close, more, not so close.)
Pros than cons for the United States ... I do not understand the question. Do you mean for the rulers of the United States (it hurts them) or for the people in the United States (it helps us).
United States' economy ... the rulers don't own it but ... strongly disagree.
Yes (country).
Yes (community).
Yes (neighorhood).
Yes (next door).
I am infertile (child marrying).
No. An economy is not zero-sum.
Reply:if they are legal then fine i agree they should be treated equally but i'm filling this out for the illegals.
Please mark or fill in the appropriate response.
1. Age ___17___
2. Sex
[ ] Male [ X] Female
3. Political Party
[ ] Republican [ ] Democrat [ ] Libertarian [ ] Other (please specify)___not sure_______
4. How many times a week would you say you hear something about immigration in the media? (i.e. TV, newspaper, internet, magazines, etc) ___3___
5. How many of the people you present to be close to you are immigrants?
[ ] 1-5 [ ] 6-10 [ ] 11-15 [ ] 16-20 [ ] 21+ [ X] None
6 Immigration provides more pros than cons for the United States.
[ ] Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] Disagree [ X] Strongly Disagree
7. Immigration hurts the United State’s economy.
[ ] Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ X] Disagree [ ] Strongly Disagree
8. Please check each statement that you agree with.
a. ____ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your country?
b. ____ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your community?
c. ____ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your neighborhood?
d. ____ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live next door to you?
e. ____ Would you permit your child to marry an immigrant?
Please answer the following question in the space provided.
9. Do you believe that immigrants take jobs away from U.S. citizens? Why or why not?
__________YES! they aren't even paying taxes. they only work for cheap money that's why they get the job over someone who is actually legal. ILLEGAL! get it? duh. they should not be allowed any benefits. ____________________...
Reply:Please mark or fill in the appropriate response.
1. Age __37____
2. Sex
[x ] Male [ ] Female
3. Political Party
[x ] Republican [ ] Democrat [ ] Libertarian [ ] Other (please specify)__________
4. How many times a week would you say you hear something about immigration in the media? (i.e. TV, newspaper, internet, magazines, etc) __1____
5. How many of the people you present to be close to you are immigrants?
[ ] 1-5 [ ] 6-10 [ ] 11-15 [ ] 16-20 [ ] 21+ [x ] None
6 Immigration provides more pros than cons for the United States.
[ ] Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] Disagree [ ] Strongly Disagree
7. Immigration hurts the United State’s economy.
[ ] Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] Disagree [ x] Strongly Disagree
8. Please check each statement that you agree with.
a. __x__ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your country?
b. __x__ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your community?
c. ___x_ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your neighborhood?
d. _x___ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live next door to you?
e. __xxx__ Would you permit your child to marry an immigrant?
Please answer the following question in the space provided.
9. Do you believe that immigrants take jobs away from U.S. citizens? Why or why not?
_____Yes. Look around._________________________________...
Reply:Please mark or fill in the appropriate response.
1. Age __31____
2. Sex
[ ] Male [x ] Female
3. Political Party
[ ] Republican [ x] Democrat [ ] Libertarian [ ] Other (please specify)__________
4. How many times a week would you say you hear something about immigration in the media? (i.e. TV, newspaper, internet, magazines, etc) last year, i'd say weekly. This year? nothing
5. How many of the people you present to be close to you are immigrants?
[x ] 1-5 [ ] 6-10 [ ] 11-15 [ ] 16-20 [ ] 21+ [ ] None
6 Immigration provides more pros than cons for the United States.
[ ] Strongly Agree [x ] Agree [ ] Disagree [ ] Strongly Disagree
7. Immigration hurts the United State’s economy.
[ ] Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [x ] Disagree [ ] Strongly Disagree
8. Please check each statement that you agree with.
a. ___x_ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your country?
b. __x__ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your community?
c. __x__ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your neighborhood?
d. __x__ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live next door to you?
e. _x___ Would you permit your child to marry an immigrant?
Please answer the following question in the space provided.
9. Do you believe that immigrants take jobs away from U.S. citizens? Why or why not?
_no. most immigrants do the jobs Americans now think they are too good to do or don't pay enough money
Reply:Legal Immigration
This is an anonymous and confidential survey designed to investigate how you feel about legal immigration in the United States.
Please mark or fill in the appropriate response.
1. Age : 16
2. Sex
[ ] Male [ x] Female
3. Political Party
[x ] Republican [ ] Democrat [x ] Libertarian [ ] Other (please specify) (inbetween)
4. How many times a week would you say you hear something about immigration in the media? (i.e. TV, newspaper, internet, magazines, etc) 3+
5. How many of the people you present to be close to you are immigrants?
[x] 1-5 [ ] 6-10 [ ] 11-15 [ ] 16-20 [ ] 21+ [ ] None
6 Immigration provides more pros than cons for the United States.
[ ] Strongly Agree [x ] Agree [ ] Disagree [ ] Strongly Disagree
7. Immigration hurts the United State’s economy.
[ ] Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [x ] Disagree [ ] Strongly Disagree
8. Please check each statement that you agree with.
a. __x__ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your country?
b. __x__ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your community?
c. __x_ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your neighborhood?
d. __x__ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live next door to you?
e. __x__ Would you permit your child to marry an immigrant?
Please answer the following question in the space provided.
9. Do you believe that immigrants take jobs away from U.S. citizens? Why or why not?
No. Becuase I dont see 30 white males lining up to do construction, mow lawns, pick veggies, Agriculture etc.
I'm a white female living in the barrio of south texs.
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