death penalty, gun ownership, warmongers, severly biased media, rigged elections, idiot president, crappy social services, intelligent design, regressive taxes, fundamentalist Christians
Most of Americans I meet are smart and rationale. Do only the smart ones travel abroad?
Why is the US such a backwards country?
Reply:Move to China
Reply:You just visited Arkansas, haven't you?
Reply:Compared to other countries on this earth, the Unites States of America is hardly backwards. 1.) In other countries, someone can be killed without a fair trial, 2.) people in other countries have guns, 3.) most other countries don't have anything that can be labeled "media", at least not in the sense that the U.S. has, 4.) most other countries don't have social services, 5.) at least we're trying to learn different ideas about humans came to exist, 6.) the elections were never confirmed to be rigged, and 7.) SHUT UP about the president for Christ's sake! I mean, sure not everyone is for him, but can you imagine trying to do his job? No, you probably can't, so don't go calling anyone an idiot. Obviously, you are getting most of your ideas about Americans from stereotypes.
Reply:death penalty, gun ownership, warmongers, severly biased media, rigged elections, idiot president, crappy social services, intelligent design, regressive taxes, fundamentalist Christians
erm, the other countries flat out kill people they dont like, everyone has illegal guns, machines, warmongers, media controlled by gov... its all good and your full of it.
Whys american #1? Were doing something right.
Reply:The USA is believed to be the cradle of democracy. Its economic figures are the highest in the world. The level of life and social benefits are of high quality. So it can't be called "backwards". However, death penalty is banned in some states. But everyting is in the hands of people. You don't like present situation - change it.
Come to Russia and try to live on the wage of 1500 rubles per month(about 50$) and you will understand that the USA is a paradise.
Reply:It seems to me that there are similar problems all over the world. Just look at Africa, the middle East, most of Eastern Europe, China... all civilizations that are thousands of years old and still haven't gotten their sh*t together.
As to our problems: as long as there is a need for the death penalty, there should be private gun ownership.
Warmongers? Maybe, but we sure saved some European *ss back in WWII.
Biased media? Definitely, but that's a side effect of freedom of the press.
Rigged elections? No, I don't think so. If it had been rigged, the cover-up would have been a lot better.
Idiot president- No, that would go to the biased media.
Crappy social services? People need to get off their butts and do for themselves.
Intelligent design? I'm not sure what the problem is with that.
Regressive taxes? At least they don't go to some B.S. royal family.
Fundamentalist Christians? Better than the so called Fundamentalist Muslims.
And no, I don't think our smart ones travel abroad. With the anti-American sentiment we keep hearing about, the smart ones stay home.
Reply:Did you see the Tommy Lee goes to college thing? I caught an episode... the level that they are studying at in college we do in Australia here in high school....
more money on education ... less on the military might be a start...
and for the gung ho "I'm a proud American and you a loser" idiots... the first sign of intelligence and wisdom is the ability to take constructive criticisim and use it to better yourself... you prove the asker completely correct when you answer in such a manner.. put across your point sure but think about how you will present it first...
You know even if I agree with someone I will argue the opposite opinion (that I disagree with) if I think they are not basing their position on a well rounded overview of all aspects of the matter... objective, solid reasoning is the key
Oh and highest standard of living.. education excellent.. best in technology... wow guys there are either just plain opinions or straight of a government propaganda flyer...
Just because people from extremely poor nations and / or rife with internal and / or external conflict flee to America DOES NOT EQUAL we are fantastic... death or life.. eating or not eating... these are the reasons they come...
and you do not have a high standard of living... you have over 37 million Americans living below the poverty line .. in fact someone mentioned Arkansas? yeah they at what 18.8%?... man... do you guys read ever?
As a waiter in Australia you get $15 an hour... wot you get over there? I think our kids here working at McDonalds earn more a week than many adults supporting families in the US....
Reply:I don't think so. It's only the american government that is backwords, not really the people. I mean England is really old fashioned, there is nothing here, it's like they tell you what to wear, and do. I think America is amazing, way better than here. Yes America has alot of problems, but that because of the government, england is ten times worse.
Reply:Backwards? 11,000,000 illegal immigrants think we're doing something right---they're willing to break the law to live here.
If we're backwards, why are we the only superpower left in the world?
If we're backwards, why do we have the highest standard of living in the world?
If we're backwards, why are we allowed to openly criticize our government?
If we're backwards, why are women allowed to appear in public alone, have careers, run for office, vote?
If we're backwards, why are we able to help every country in the world when they need it?
Lord, I love being backwards!
Reply:given the nature of your question you seem to make your own point. backwards thinking. false assumptions. my guess is you are not traveling abroad are you?
Reply:I think that backwards is probably the wrong word. I'm not american. I don't think that any american would say that everything in their country is perfect. Believe me there are lots of ways to improve the US!
Poverty- it's a huge problem, is there really any social assistance for those in need? It doesn't seem like it. How's New Orleans doing? The US does not have the highest quality of life. I suppose those of the highest social economic status may have a very good quality of life. What about those of the lowest social economic status? How's their life? According to the 2006 World-Wide Quality of Life Assessment released April 3rd: "Cities in Canada, Europe and Australia dominate the top of the rankings." I happen to live in the #3 rated city in the world! The highest ranking US city is Honolulu which is #27.
I'm sure that no one knows anything about McCarthy-ism. Protectionism is just an attempt to make the country feel unsafe and focus on dangers that don't exist, so that no one focuses on what's really going on.
I do agree on the biased media point. I think that every country's media is biased. It's amazing to see the difference between US, Canadian and BBC media. The truth is somewhere in the middle.
Reply:The death penalty is neither good, bad, backward or progressive. It is a reflection of society's belief about what is a just punishment for crime.
Gun ownership is actually quite progressive. Disarmed citizens are called subjects, serfs or slaves. Gun ownership also means that the citizenry have personal power, and the personal responsibility to protect themselves. This is a good thing.
'Idiot' president. That's just a biased opinion unsupported by any measurable documentation. You disagree with him, so he is an idiot. Do people really think they can spew crap like that and call it intelligent discourse?
Taxes. The lower 50% of income earners pay less than 5% of all income taxes. The top 10% of earners pay over 30% of income taxes. Compare these facts with your 'regressive' statement. Compare with your 'idiot' statement.
And why are you so intolerant of religious people? Smug feeling of superiority based on ...?
I'm pretty sure the only ones you consider smart are people who echo your thoughts.
Reply:wow. you don't get out much, do you.
Reply:look at the president and ask yourself who could elect him
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