Sunday, August 22, 2010

If I'm conducting surveillance, am I a 'surveillor'? Do commentators 'commentate?

Why has the media replaced the word 'social' with 'societal'?

These questions, and many more, keep me up at night. In fact, I've been impacted by them. But it's not life-threatening.

If I'm conducting surveillance, am I a 'surveillor'? Do commentators 'commentate?
If you are conducting surveillance, then you are either a supervisor, an invigilator, an inspector, or a warder.

Commentators (in the field of Radio and TV) do in fact COMMENTATE on an event (from HARRAPS Dictionary).

Societal = noting or pertaining to large social groups, or to their activities, customs, etc

Social = pertaining to, devoted to, or characterized by friendly companionship or relations.
Reply:if you're conducting a surveillance then you area surveyor. Commentators commentate AKA make comments about.

Why you've been up at nite trying to figure them out, confunkles me, but I hope this helps a little bit.
Reply:They comment.

So in a car - if the carburetors carburate and the rotors rotate, what do the pistons do?
Reply:Or, a conductor?

One of mine is, "authoritative." I'll cringe for hours just having written it.

In "Eats, Shoots %26amp; Leaves," by Lynne Truss--which I've referenced once or twice in here (Y.A.)--there's a quote from someone whose mental health is dependent on her seeing the language NOT butchered throughout her days.

I'm a sympathizer. This is due to an early education (prior to Kindergarten), which has come to feel like a disposition, in what is called 'societal growth.'

So, 'like' they say (I prefer, 'as,'), "whatever," right?


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