Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Which poltical party has a greater influence on America?

I believe that the Democratic Party has a greater influence (at the moment). Reason is because the number of registered Democrats has increased. I strongly believe that Bush's presidency has something to do with the reason why Democrats are presently dominant.

In the 1980 presidential race, Democratic and Republican counties on average had about the same number of voters. By 2000, however, the average Democratic county had three times as many voters as the average Republican county, according to study of election results.

It seems like the Democrats have control the over the media, social welfare, freedom of speech rights, and a mist of other things. I am not applying this to be a bad thing, but what are your thoughts?

**Note: What ever happened to free thinkers?

Which poltical party has a greater influence on America?
The left - generally represented by the Democratic party - has been dominant in American politics for some time now, your whole life, in fact ... heck, most of mine, and I'm twice your age. In fact, if you consider the 1930s, liberal dominance started even earlier. And, even though the conservatives arguably started with the upper hand, the history 50s and 60s is a littany of liberal victories.

There has often been talk of a 'backlash' against ever-increasing liberalism, political correctness, and the like, but it's rarely manifested, and never for long. Reagan was swept in more by cross-party apeal than by a backlash, and the brief dominance of the republican party between '01 and '06 was largely due to 9/11 (yes, it started with a weak backlash against Clinton in '98, but it was sustained by the security issues raised by 9/11, and it's basically over). Even when Republicans are in the driver's seat in Washington, they still aren't the dominant force, they have some actual power, but the preponderance of influence still comes from the left.

The media is another good example. Democrats are incensed by talk radio and Fox News, not because they're representative of broad media bias, but because they're the exceptions to the liberal bias in the media as a whole.

Freedom of speach has been a core liberal talking point since the 50's and 60's, and they feel they 'own' that issue. So much so, that they have no concerns when it comes to abridging the free speach of others.
Reply:I think democrats have a greater influence on America
Reply:Actually it goes both ways. The religious right has a stronghold on the republican party. Lobbyist have a severe on on both the parties. The republican party has control of everything even though they've lost power of Congress. They have Fox news, and Rupert Murdoch arguing their insane views. The republican party use fear and scare tactics to get elected, when you have more people caring if me and my girlfriend get, than their parents making a decision to either buy food, or buy their high blood pressure meds. The country wants out of Iraq, the democrats are trying to get the troops out...who is holding on, the republicans!!
Reply:There may be more regitered Democrats however, the Republican Party has more influence because individually they have more money which gives them a more powerful voice. Hopefully, as time goes, the Democratic party will be the dominant party, with a proven track record for getting things accomplished.

I don't think that Democrats have complete control of the media, I think that the conservatives have control, if you go to Canada or other countries, everybody knows something about their politicians track record and the politicians are held accountable. The media is allowed to ask whatever question they want, here with Tony Snow, he often dodges questions and outright refuses to answer questions with arrogance and an "how dare you ask that" attitude.
Reply:I think the Republicans have a greater influence on the country. Even when they totally screwed up Iraq, they still retained almost half the seats in Congress and with the President and VP, they still seem to have the majority.When Republicans screw up, it seems that they lose voters to Democrats and very few Democrats seem to ever flip-flop on who they back. So even though the Dems have an increase of voters, I think it is the Republicans that caused it.
Reply:Dems of course. Especially with this unpoplar President who is GOP, and with the growing number of illegal immigrants and secular progressors. Also like you stated, They pretty much control the media through George Soros. Hopefully They dont get too much control or this great country will end up a communist one and if the GOP gets to much control, this country will be a facist one. So hopefully it balances out (yea right).
Reply:The Republicans have more influence. I would say that the Democrats are constantly shifting to appease the shifting tastes of Americans. They appeal to the prevailing attitude (moving towards the center or away when it's politically expedient). They are influenced by the electorate rather than influencing it. I'm not criticizing, just observing.
Reply:Unfortunately the Republicans... Negative influence...
Reply:Perception is selective, members of each group will perceive the current situation differently. Both groups have power, albeit in different areas. In order to judge the scale of their power correctly you would need to limit the variables, which in today's political climate, is all but impossible. Personally I believe that each party has too much power in some respects, while not enough in others. The fact that much of the electorate base there opinions on what the party tells them to believe is a perfect example of how they have way to much influence on the outcome. Some Americans need to start thinking more for themselves rather than doing what some talking head tells them to do.
Reply:I think the question is 'Which political party has the more 'positive' influence on America?'

Which would be the Christian Conservative.
Reply:you have to get on a team , no free thinkers allowed in this system. remember Ross Perot, Pat Buchannan, Jonh Anderson. they where marginalized.
Reply:The Military Industrial Party.


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