Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Whats do we think of Muslims of today in general??...do we have Muslim friends in our own social circles??

...does the way the media portray the Muslims in general distort or alter the way we see Muslims of today??...Just wondering what people maybe thinking as from my own personal opinions not all are evil minded killers.

Whats do we think of Muslims of today in general??...do we have Muslim friends in our own social circles??
yes I do, quite a few actually, they are mostly Turkish Muslims, and I see and speak to them virtually everyday.

we can not judge the majority religion/community for the actions of the minority, for that would be like saying; all Atheist are Ignorant, or all Christians are deluded and so on.

most of the Muslims I know condemn the extremists!

ignorance breeds friction! unfortunately this is a fact

ta ST
Reply:I can't speak for everyone, but I can speak for myself. I do not trust the Muslims .Why would you want to put your face to the ground and raise your *** to you god, I will never understand. Don't sound right to me..
Reply:Muslims don't have to be portrayed poorly in the media, their actions speak for themselves. They go to Europe, overpopulate, start riots for silly issues like wearing burkhas or whatever.

In France they do what's called "Revolving" or gang-raping any woman not wearing a Burkha, and it is politically inspired. You want as many Muslim children as they can in Europe to make Europe a Muslim place. So they commit evil for the purpose of spreading their religious law over others.

It's just sick, they're worse than the Christians ever were, and the Christians were pretty bad at times.

I think that the world will be a better place without Islam, and eventually without Christianity. For now, though, we still need Christianity.
Reply:What do you mean not all are evil mindd killers? There are 1.5 billion Muslims in the Worlld, USA estimates thre are 200,000 Islamic Terrorists. Thats less than 0.1%.

The Media interviews the crazy Muslims, they sound so ridicolous that I think they've been paid to sound dumb.

Reply:Who are "we"??,'cause I am Muslim.
Reply:Majority of them are just like any other people.Their biggest misfortune is their Clerics (Imams,Mullahs and so on)who have rendered them voiceless and mute spectators.Fanatics and blood thirsty Jehadis have tarnished not only them but Islam as well.Looking in to future it appears that Muslims may come out of present Trauma as a better community due the transformation they will have to under go due to political and social compulsions.It was long overdue,in any case.
Reply:I'm sure that I know more Muslims than I realize at work. The only one that I know on a first name basis is a convert. He converted in order to marry his wife. He does not appear to be that strong of a believer, though. The intersting thing is that he sits right accross from an Orthodox Jew, and they work very well together. Something that others could model perhaps.
Reply:I don't know any but I met some in Malaysia and they were lovely.
Reply:In my experience its very hard to blend our culture with the Muslim community as far to many personal views from either side cause problems maintaining a friendship.

It has split countries before as the Muslim community becomes larger in one country, look %26amp; India %26amp; Pakistan.
Reply:difficult to be friends with anyone whose religion teaches him/her to kill me because my beliefs are not the same
Reply:I am a Muslim and I can understand why Muslims are being portrayed as evil and terrorists by the media. I believe in peace and harmony for everyone, but the fact that several Muslims have crossed their limits to harm innocents has lead to all the problems faced by Muslim community. Instead of looking after our neighbours, feeding the orphans, helping the poor and being kind to everyone, if Muslims will continue to cross their limits the situation is likely to get worse. Lord will help only those who are kind to living creatures (humans, animals,trees etc.) and there is nothing greater than His help.
Reply:I have a few Muslim friends.. My school had HUGE muslims population on campus. Muslims are no different than anyone else.. I respect their devotion to their beliefs and sometimes wish that I could be that devoted as a Christian.
Reply:.Yes i number a few Muslims as friends but there are extremists everywhere, we should not let the media demonise all Muslims, just as they sanctify the mcanns, we should all realise the press need to sell their papers grab headlines, we all have the capability to think consider and sort the truth from between the lines
Reply:I have Lot's of them , some are very religious because the Koran made it fear to do anything against their goD. some are just acting religious because of their tradition. the second group enjoys drinks but hardly eat pork. .. the first group have no information about what is happening in the world. and they think all goes according to goD. the second group not bothered to do anything against the dumbness of their fellow muslims but just spend the day as it goes... all of them don't want to discuss the religions and Osama Dumb Ladin. But I feel that some of them are proud to see Osama in action. may be I'm totally wrong.
Reply:I am Jewish, and my dearest friend is Muslim.

It seems to me that most people think for themselves. Although I have issues with Islam today, and I am very pro-Israel, it does not mean that I shun or hate Muslims.
Reply:I am a muslim and yes the media does portray Islam is a very harsh religion.. Islam is same as any religion, as long as you are good abiding citizen, know from right or wrong, not doing evil, treating everbody with respect no matter what religion they are, you have to love your neighbours, your pets, your elders your kins etc. There are extremists out there, and there alot of muslims would not stand with them or by them, in islam they are doing wrong, it is not in the Holy Quran to take another life.. anyway i could go on... We muslims are not bad people, i am alone parent, i have two children, and i work full time and pay my own way, and i am just like anybody else just trying to survive in this harsh world.. I appreciate some of the replies that have answered your question, and i hope one day we can all live in peace Aameen..
Reply:yes i have a few muslim friends

i accept them in general, but I do have to evaluate each individually...because there is alot of sympathy out in the moderate muslims for the extremism we see acted out.
Reply:I think there are over a billion Muslims, so I see them as a billion different people. Some of them are crazy and should be shot on site. Some of them are wonderful people and should I die I want them to take care of my children. If I had to paint them all in one broad stroke, I would say that they all have kidneys, blood, stomachs, livers, and that kind of stuff. Hey, just like everybody else alive.

Reply:My best mate Roshi is Muslim. We grew up together and she is like a sister to me.
Reply:The media most certainly distorts alot of what people think about muslims. In some cases though, I think that the distortion is not intentional but rather misunderstanding. Im christian and I live and work in a muslim community-their just like everyone else. Don't get me wrong, you have a few that are as narrow minded as some christians or jews or any of the like, but for the most part they just want to live their lives without the shadow of the bad shade that has been placed over them.
Reply:I can't answer for "we." But I have muslim friends, so I don't judge the entire group by some fanatics.
Reply:i have close muslim friendS . it doesnt affect my friendship with them no matter what the media say.

it does affect when i see some of muslim 'friend' openly go against their own religion teaching , for example consumptions of alchohol .

however most of the time , it's their attitude or behaviour that affect , no matter what religion , if there's a guy who often swear at you , lie to you , you won;t be friend with him right ?
Reply:I have muslim friends. They're not allowed to talk about religion whilst I'm around though if they don't want to be challenged on it!
Reply:I have a beautiful Muslim friend and the Muslims who work in stores I shop in are great. Of course they're westernized and never talk about their religion. But it's Islam I have a problem with as well as certain Imams with big mouths who stir up crap and then run away and hide when it hits the fan.


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