... firmly %26amp; effectively "established" their sexuality in utero, or do you rather believe that they become homosexual or bisexual later on in life, for example just before pubescence hits, due to external influences such as peer pressure from school, friends or maybe even relatives, the media, the social circles they gravitate towards, what they are exposed to at an impressionable age, etc.?
What is your personal opinion on homosexuality?
Does it bother you or you don't really care as long as they keep it behind closed doors, so to speak?
Do you think that it's fair to judge or categorize another human being just because of their sexual preferences?
Do you think that it shows prejudice and/or narrow mindedness to refer to someone solely through their sexuality simply because they aren't heterosexual or "normal", whatever is considered "normal" these days?
Serious answers only please.
Do you honestly believe that some human beings are born homosexual or bisexual, therefore their DNA...........
I don't really care as long as they leave me alone.
My best friend is gay, as well as my only sibling and the only thing I really resent is the fact that my brother's homosexuality has prevented me from having a sister-in-law and potential nieces %26amp; nephews.
And given the fact that I'm infertile, it has also prevented our parents from ever becoming grandparents.
It's all very sad %26amp; unfortunate but such is life...
Reply:People arent born like that, and NO I dont agree with it... I believe that society, TV, etc has alot to do with the confusion with people today. .. I dont judge, because I have a gay friend, but he knows I dont agree with his lifestyle, its not a prejudice or being narrow minded, it is just my entitled opinion.
In the beginning, it was meant to be one man and one woman. They were meant to be fruitful and multiply... you certainly cant get the next generation with 2 men or 2 women, its just un-natural!
Reply:I know for a fact that people who are gay are born that way. I know for a fact that they don't solicit youngsters in an attempt to "turn them gay". I know for a fact that gay people are just as hard-working, law-abiding, tax-paying upstanding citizens as are all the rest. I have no problem working alongside gay men, having done so while in the Army and in my civilian career. I have no problem interacting with gay men socially, as in playing golf with a gay man, or going fishing with a gay man, or sitting beside one while watching a football game. And I have no problem because I know he realizes I am not gay and he won't attempt to initiate a sexual relationship with me.
Reply:too many questions for 2 pts but i will try. i only believe people are wired to be homoselxual from birth in the cases where there are both organs and someone like dr or parent decides which one the kid should be. so i basically believe nurture is a greater factor than nature however i could be wrong. always open to the next scientific study.
people's sexual preference doesnt bother me. people can somewhat be categorized by their sexuality just as they are categorized in other areas (like shes a farmgirl or he's techno). But that doesnt mean its bad. Just like i am interestged to talk to people of other cultures i am interested to talk to gays too just to get a better understanding of their world.
not good or bad, just interesting.
Reply:I don't belive that homosexuality is determined by DNA, I do believe that it is caused by the hormonal fluctuations that occur during the early stages of pregnancy.
My personal opinion on homosexuality; it's just as natural as heterosexuality and it occurs in any species that is overpopulated. It's one of nature's checks and balances.
Homosexual people do not bother me in the least bit.
No, it's not fair to treat someone differently for something they had no control of.
Reply:i have no idea since im not, but people are predetermind how you look cause of DNA so maybe..
Reply:i don't care what people are
as long as there nice to me
Reply:I am a lesbian. i have known i was gay since i knew what sexuality was. i was born this way. believe me, i have tried to convince myself i could be happy with men. i was left feeling guilty, dirty, and wrong. i would never compromise what i know i am, and what i was meant to be, for society or anyone else. i believe that God made me, and he made me a lesbian. lots of people would not agree with me, but they were born straight and dont understand. they didnt choose to be straight, they just were. they had feelings just like i did. mine were just different. i am no better or worse than anyone else in this world. sexual preference is dramatized and given too much attention. why should anyone else care who i love or want to be with? its really not up to them. i respect everyone and i wish that everyone could give the same respect back. respect should be earned and i wish that some people could give me a chance as a person before formulating an opinion of me based on my preference. its ok if someone doesnt understand my lifestyle or my family, i am not asking the world to agree with my sexuality, i am only asking for a mutual respect as human beings.
Reply:I don't care if gay people are gay. I know gay men and women who tell me both that they were born that way and others who say they did not know they were gay till they were exposed to it (that is a weaker argument though, they flip back and forth and are truly confused).
I do have an issue with gay flamboyant pride, its ridiculous and far from real life. Heterosexuals only show off their freaks in a circus, not during a public parade.
Reply:You lost me after..."do you honestly belive"
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