Sunday, August 22, 2010

Do you americans really live like dat?

Hi,,I live in Arabia and I like american tv. shows( pro... etc)..My concept about you americans according to your media that you have a social life like the following:-

1. when the girl pass awkward age she has her own independent life with her boy-friend.

2. girl may have many boy-friends in her life any may has kidz from them.

3.woman gotta has ajob to survive..she works in gas-stations.. as apilot driver..etc.

Is really woman's life in the US like that?

(Ps ; must know that I still 15 and may be asorta curious but If I had awrong concept..plz correct..and I don't mean any kinda insult to criticism..I'm just curious As I said)

with all my respect......

Do you americans really live like dat?
Thank you for asking, no need to apologize.

By asking the question you must have already surmised that what you see on TV must be to far out there to be real.

Absolutely not, why do you think we as parents limit, or do not let our children watch that type of garbage.

If you watch something like that long enough you will actually start believing it, and young people will start acting like it.

Yes, we do have a segment of the population that is like that, just like any other society.

Main stream American, and especially Christian families try very hard to combat the distorted view given by the media, and TV/Radio culture.

Most American families are simply hardworking, moral people who find themselves battling these influences daily.

Remember just because they try to normalize unacceptable behavior by portraying it as the "thing" everyone is doing, does not make it so.


And never stop questioning what you see, or hear.
Reply:You are watching fictional shows on television that are the way they are to entertain people so they will watch the shows so advertisers can show commercials that will sell a lot of whatever it is. They are just shows and not true to the lives of 99% of Americans.
Reply:Oh My Gosh, very few Americans live like that. :) That is just television, like soap operas and movies from Hallmark. The average teenage girl goes to High School, has a 3 or 4 boy-friends, and then some chose to go to college, and some start their jobs. :)
Reply:Women are free to choose their own destiny in America, so some will choose the paths you described, while others will choose different paths. That's the beauty of America.
Reply:ok peace of advice don't watch american TV...esspecially reality TV shows. they are pretty dumb.

second thought: that's why USA has freedom of choice. so american women use it :). some have boyfriend, some husband
Reply:Some girls have many boyfriends but not every girl is so wild here.

We have over 300 million people living in the states and there are that many different lifestyles.

Don't believe what you see on TV,not everyone is rich with a glamorous life. It is not so easy here so many women do have to work as hard a aman to survive.Many people from different countries think our lives are easy and the streets are paved in gold, it is not true.
Reply:Many American women do live like that. Others choose a more traditional lifestyle (ie. get married, keep house, raise children, not get a job, etc.). Almost every woman in America has several boyfriends before they marry (if they ever do marry). American women almost always choose whom they wish to date or marry. Arranged marriages are VERY rare.

The particular lifestyle that any given woman leads has a lot to do with her geographical area, her religion, the way she was raised, and her personal beliefs. Ultimately, though, the direction of an American woman's life is up to her. There are no laws governing what women can or can't do in America. Every law in America applies to everyone equally, regardless of gender, race, or religion.
Reply:some young women have independent lives of their own. some still live with parents/family, but many want to move out on their own. many but not all wind up living with boyfriends at some point.

having kids with multiple boyfriends is more common in poorer social groupings. more economically successful women hold off on having kids until later life, after they have built a career, and generally have created a stable long-term monogamous relationship (usually but not always marriage).

most women do work at jobs, but there are some who become stay-at-home mothers (temporarily or long term) or of not mothers, as homemakers. But this is not nearly as common as it used to be.
Reply:Well, some people live like the way you have mentioned, but it's not very much like what you see on TV. Remember that television's primary purpose is to entertain; secondary purpose to influence. So they don't show you the way most of us live, because that would be too boring. They show something about how some people deal with problems, but you have to take them all with a large grain of salt. (That's a term meaning don't take it too seriously.)

Also, while many girls do live with a boyfriend, even have a child with him without marrying him, many are also very conservative. This is especially true of those who are religious, whether Christian or Jew or whatever.

Most women do have jobs, unless their husband makes so much money that she can afford to stay home and home-school the children, do the housework, and therefore not have to hire someone to do it for her. Most women who have fairly good-paying jobs use the money to put their kids in day-care or after-school care, or hire a nanny, and they also hire a cleaning lady (the term "maid" is not much used anymore) to come in and do a good bit of the housework.

It's good that you question. If you believed we were really like what you see on TV, that would be very sad.
Reply:i am a young woman living in America and i must say it is great its not exactly like the TV but it is similar we have allot of freedom here in America not just as women but as people as a whole i am 22 years old and yes i have had many boyfriends and yes i do have a daughter whom i love very much by one of them and yes i do work for a financial company and live on my own and make my own decisions allot of people may take our freedoms for granted not realizing that in many other countries they may not have the privileges that we do basically here in America we have the rite and opportunity to determine our own fate i mean if we want to stay single, get married, have no kids, have allot of kids by different men,be gay lesbian or bisexual, work, go to school ,what ever we want to be and what ever we want to do we have the freedom to do that
Reply:No, that is television, not reality.
Reply:The examples that you showed are not typical. Please keep in mind that what you are refering to are stories.

Women's lives are varied in the United States according to the decision that they choose. Just like everywhere.
Reply:tv is 99% inaccurate about everything. Im sure it's wrong about your society as well..

however there are women like you described who lead that kind of lifestyle.

us women are still free to do whatever we want, when we want, how we want, and we use our freedoms in a respectful manor. not like the ones on tv


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