Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Will Jade be saved by certain sections of the media once she goes?

...the reason why Iam asking is that right now, ALL the press are baying for her blood - but when it gets all quiet again, will she be a 'social commentator' in, say The Mail or The Sun. Thanks to her behaviour, she is in a country where her future could go both ways...and reading some of the messages from some of the UK people I have on Answers over the past six months, her future will be almost gold plated, with the red-tops (after displaying 'dislike' in order to sell more copies), showing their true side and fight for her intellectual statements once a week.

Will Jade be saved by certain sections of the media once she goes?
i just think the fame has gone to her head, and she has turned a very nasty girl. i dont think it'll ruin her career, she will get even richer with all the papers paying for her story.
Reply:DILLIGAF Mate!
Reply:I think so
Reply:I think all this is all about a person who is very rich, made very rich by a tv show, everyone smiled and said "go for it girl, good luck to you" a roll model for other youngsters with nothing, and then, this latest business, a girl who despite having come from a poor background and making good throws it all away because she does not have the brain to realise that if she puts a foot wrong the world will fall in around her, and all those kids who aspire to make good like her will now feel let down and see the person for what she is. How anyone could carry on like that with cameras and sound, beats me. Didn`t anyone tell her?
Reply:Public can be so fickle. We'll hate her today, then when she comes out and chats to Davina all will be forgiven, her perfume will go back on sale, and life will be reset
Reply:Everyone will remember her for the racist bigot that she is. Her career is over.
Reply:like all so called celebs the media will pick her up again she went in there to do a job and i think she did it well. my theory is BB was goin nowhere so they needed to generate some interest back into it and its worked. After seeing last night episode i also think BB have spoken to the housemates about what has gone on outside the house. C4 and endamol must be rubbing theyre hands with glee at the publicity its got. yeah they lost a sponser but others will be queing up once the dust has settled
Reply:lets hope not....... she's only famous through big brother... so the public made her what she is.... i hope the public now destroy her, i'd like to see a hate campain against her, i'd like to see the fowl mouthed ugly poisoned dwarf ruined, shunned and destroyed by all.

i may be alone thinking this, but i hope not
Reply:All she has to do is make a film about the ancient Mayans like another celeb with race issues did recently.
Reply:No, I think Celebrity Big Brother may be the final nail in the coffin of the Jade Goody enterprise.

Though, I wouldn't be surprised if she goes on to be an ambassador for an anti-racism or anti-bullying charity just to raise her profile again!

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