This is an anonymous and confidential survey designed to investigate how you feel about immigration in the United States.
Please mark or fill in the appropriate response.
1. Age ______
2. Sex
[ ] Male [ ] Female
3. Political Party
[ ] Republican [ ] Democrat [ ] Libertarian [ ] Other (please specify)__________
4. How many times a week would you say you hear something about immigration in the media? (i.e. TV, newspaper, internet, magazines, etc) ______
5. How many of the people you present to be close to you are immigrants?
[ ] 1-5 [ ] 6-10 [ ] 11-15 [ ] 16-20 [ ] 21+ [ ] None
6 Immigration provides more pros than cons for the United States.
[ ] Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] Disagree [ ] Strongly Disagree
7. Immigration hurts the United State’s economy.
[ ] Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] Disagree [ ] Strongly Disagree
8. Please check each statement that you agree with.
a. ____ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your country?
b. ____ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your community?
c. ____ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your neighborhood?
d. ____ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live next door to you?
e. ____ Would you permit your child to marry an immigrant?
Please answer the following question in the space provided.
9. Do you believe that immigrants take jobs away from U.S. citizens? Why or why not?
Can you gys fill out a survey for my social research class?
1. 38
2. Male
3. Other=I take them as seriously as politicians take me.
4. Twice
5. None.
6. Disagree
7. Disagree
8. a. Yes
b. Yes.
c. Yes.
d. Yes.
e. Yes.
9. I believe that immigrants take jobs given to them by employers who seek cheaper pay with no benefits. I also believe that some Americans lose their jobs to immigrants due to laziness and poor production. With the exception of the Native Americans, we all came from immigrants to this country. I don't support immigrants that arrive here and end up in gangs or committing crimes.
Reply:1. Age: 14
2. Sex
[x] Male [ ] Female
3. Political Party
[ ] Republican [x] Democrat [ ] Libertarian [ ] Other (please specify)__________
4. How many times a week would you say you hear something about immigration in the media? (i.e. TV, newspaper, internet, magazines, etc) not really a lot
5. How many of the people you present to be close to you are immigrants?
[ ] 1-5 [ ] 6-10 [ ] 11-15 [ ] 16-20 [ ] 21+ [x] None
6 Immigration provides more pros than cons for the United States.
[ ] Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] Disagree [x] Strongly Disagree
7. Immigration hurts the United State’s economy.
[x] Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] Disagree [ ] Strongly Disagree
8. Please check each statement that you agree with.
a. __x__ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your country?
b. ____ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your community?
c. ____ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live in your neighborhood?
d. ____ Are you willing to permit immigrants to live next door to you?
e. ____ Would you permit your child to marry an immigrant?
Please answer the following question in the space provided.
9. Do you believe that immigrants take jobs away from U.S. citizens? Why or why not?
Yes I beleive immigrants take jobs away from U.S. citizens because they work for less money because they countries most come from are very poor.
Reply:1. 24
3.Liberal least 4 times a week
9.Yes, but only because they are probably a better employee (harder worker, lower wages, more qualified, etc.)
Reply:1. 21
2. Female
3. Libertarian
4. Once a week
5. 6-10
6. Agree
7. Disagree
8. I agree with all statements
8. Immigrants do not take jobs away from US Citizens. There is no negative relationship that has been found on this subject. I know this because I just did an assignment on the misconception of immigrants hurting jobs.
To the two other people who filled out this are very very wrong about immigrants negativly impacting employment. There has been studies done on this for the past 60 years, and there has ALWAYS been no negative relationship found on the relationship between unemployment and immigration. I just did a huge assignment about this, and read over 30 research articles on this, looking at both sides. And all of the came to the conclusion that immigration does not negativly effect ANY aspects of the job market....It does not take jobs away from native born Americans!!!
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