Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The change in representation of women in modern culture over time, from a social and political aspect?

For my college media work I am researching the idea of doing the aforementioned subject. However, I was wondering what main text (film, magazine, article etc) I could focus my essay on. I woukd appreciate any ideas on which text you think would offer the most stimulus etc? thanks!

The change in representation of women in modern culture over time, from a social and political aspect?
Film is best. Films are aimed at the widest possible audience, for the box office revenues. The other media you mention are constrained by 'constituency factors'; articles in one magazine are selected for publication on criteria different from those of another magazine: the article you read here is not publishable there.

It would be POSSIBLE to trace the changes in representation of women in the print media, but it would be an enormously difficult task, far more difficult than it would be to trace the changes in representation of women in film. E.g., articles that present an image of women in The American Rifleman: few and far between, and the demographics of that magazine are . . . how important? articles about women in Swedish Boatwright? Cosmo? Playboy? Us? Popular Science? How do you weigh the data, in those diverse contexts?
Reply:How about the role of women as a provider and the man as the caregiver? Reference movie "Mr. Mom."
Reply:rent mrs. doubtfire x-)


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