Saturday, November 19, 2011

Prove me wrong white guys-regarding Asian female/white male interracial hypocrisy?

White guys who answer these posts always leave this out of their argument about how it's ok for everybody including Asian guys to accept these relationships when these are the same people who would denounce relationships between Asian males and white females. This is obvious by the way the white media in this country pair up Asian females with White males 90-99% of the time when the majority of Asian relationships are between Asian females and Asian males. The media doesn't do this to women of any other race hence you don't see those women have a thing for white males in the same proportion as Asian females.

The influence of the media towards it's targeted audiance has been proven to be substantial in study after study. The media has a substantial affect on Asians in this country because their population is smaller than other ethnic groups here. There is also a lack of an Asian American culture in America leading to a lack of a defined Asian American identity. Look at it this way, African Americans have a defined African American Identity (black music, black stars etc), White Americans have a defined white identity (white music, white stars etc), Hispanics have a defined Hispanic identity (Hispanic music, hispanic stars etc). Asians in this country really don't have an Asian American culture so the majority of them will take up either a white identity or a black identity. In essence, it's like having an Asian person that looks Asian on the outside but are either white or black on the inside.

How the media conditions Asians in the country and how it divides Asians Americans: The media portrays Asian females and Asian males divergently. Asian females are paired up with white males the majority of the time yet the majority of Asian relationships in this country are between Asian males and Asian females. The American media almost never pair up Asian males with white females even though these relationships, though fewer than AF/Wm relationships make up a portion of Asian reltionships in this country. What you have then is a mirroring effect of how the media actually conditions Asian Americans to socialize in this country. Asian guys can get white women and women of any other race as can be seem in this website:

The problem with the distortion of Asian interracial relationships is that the media gives a thumbs up to Asian female interractial relationships-showing this mostly with white males, sometimes with black males and almost never with hispanic males and you get the mirroring effect of social dynamics for Asians in this country. One has to ask why the media continues to portray Asian females with nonAsian males the majority of the time when Asian female Asian males male up the majority of Asian relationships in this country. The media doesn't do this with women of any other race.

Link to what happens when the one way conditioning of the old media gives way to the internet.

Links to media influence: The white male dominated media does not like to portray Asian males with white females because they know what giving a thumbs up to these kinds of relationships can do. Imagine what would happen if 90-99% of all media portrayals of Asian males are with white females and Asian males are portrayed in the most positive light while Asian women are dogged out in the media. There'd be a pretty dramatic impact on Asian interracial relationships in this country.

Prove me wrong white guys-regarding Asian female/white male interracial hypocrisy?
Was that a question?

I'm married to a Thai woman, by the way. That should leave an extra white girl available for you if you so desire.
Reply:Daniel - I'm sure you mean well with your answer - but I can assure you, that white girl that's "available" is UNLIKELY to date an Asian Guy.

The next time you see an asian/white combination. Note, which one's the male and which ones the female. You'll almost never see the opposite happen... Report It

Reply:Daniel has demeaned Asian males and any females in this subject by saying "extra white girls" being available (for ranting Asian American male). This issue falls into two separate categories, "interracial, " %26amp; "marginality" of Asian Male, unfamiliar with "machismo" images in "consumer" cultures. Report It

Reply:SIDEWINDER Many of my friends are Asian men with white girlfriends, my wife is Asian. As a group we get along fine. THese Asian men tha I speak they are my friends and I truly respect them. You must live in CA. I am in NY...It is tolerant here. Report It

Reply:Is it hypocracy?

Sex sells!

I think there is a valid reason for this in the sexual society today. Sterotypically the white male is a stronger/larger being than the asain male. The more "manly" of the two. While the Asian felmale is the smaller more petite, The essence of being female.

Honestly who would rather see a 5'6" male of Asain ethnicity, With a 5'7" white female?

I have worked in Asia, and the pacific Islands as a male dancer. I know that the Asain population has an attraction towards white male or female. However the female is generally more attracted to the "Alpha Male" which in most situations is not of Asian heritage.

I hope i have not offended you in anyway by defending the media. But the media only depicts what the viewing audience would like to see.
Reply:What is the question it seems like you have all the information above
Reply:White men dont like to see white women going with other race of man and vice versa. Asian men ESPECIALLY dont like to see Asian women going with other races of man and vice versa. Thats just the way it is. Human nature.
Reply:Sounds like you might need this book:
Reply:Dude, WTF was your question?

You want to just rant, cool. But tell it like it is.

This is a rant about:

Personally, I could care less if a black guy dates/marries a white lady or an asian lady or a lady of color or a mexican lady or get the point.

Nor do I care if an asian guy dates any of those.

Or a white guy.

Get freakin' real people. It is 2006. Not 1956. This race / color / religion bullshi* has got to go. It helps no one and hurts everyone.

All right, I'm done. Off my soapbox for a bit.
Reply:Did this have a point? Is it going anywhere? Is it a crime to use so many words when you don't have anything to say?

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