Saturday, November 19, 2011

For any possible conservatives out there......?

does it not seem that these answer boards are 99.9% ultraliberal, antiAmerican in bias. Is it that the politically correct (oxymoron) and left wingers have truly taken over yahoo? Or is it that the social conservatives have given up on the liberal media and conceeded that space to the other side?

For any possible conservatives out there......?
I am conservative and I'm very sick of all the liberal BS out there. Liberals don't believe in freedom, America or anything that is right and proper. So I will say something here that liberals will be highly offended by... GOD BLESS AMERICA!!
Reply:it does seem that way
Reply:I am a conservative and I have noticed that the ultraliberal seem to have the biggest mouths and think everyone without their viewpoint has to be wrong! Far be it for me to try to change their minds because they are too pigheaded to listen anyway!
Reply:yes to all.
Reply:I wish this were true. Something is needed to counteract our Pravda, aka Fox News. Will you conservatives really enjoy living under a totalitarian regime where dissent is not tolerated?
Reply:What Buk said.
Reply:I would disagree, being conservative myself, I think it is close to 50/50, maybe not exactly, probably more leaning towards the left, but I wouldn't say we are losing the battle.

I have found a few kindred spirits out there. Also, it is popular to be anti-American right now, so, what would you expect brainless, unthinking types to gravitate towards - what is easy and popular of course.

Hang in there, you have company.
Reply:wow, I'm like a dumb blonde and like a I don't get what u like just said.

antiamerican - is that the Mexicans that keep coming over illegally

ultra liberal - is that the feminist group like president Bush

socail conservitive - is that like wearing a NON low cut top around other people
Reply:I'm a Conservative (not a Bible-thumping Reagan Conservative, but more of a Goldwater Conservative). And yes, there are more Liberals here than Conservatives. BUT when you find a true Conservative, that has great perspective and opinions, then it makes it all worth it.
Reply:As a proud American Nationalist, yes, so it seems at times, but don't be discouraged by such, just stay tough, factual, and keep on voicing your concerns...
Reply:Why won't the anti-Americans, if they are so fed up with what's going on, just leave America? They want to kill babies, promote same-sex marriage, and bash Christians. Go to another country, please.
Reply:Im sorry, what? That is a pretty bold statement to make. I think we should drop the terms liberal and conservative out of our minds and books. Trying to lump people into these 2 catagories is just as big a waste of time as the whole political arena here in the U.S. Its a joke.....and its not even funny......................................
Reply:We're here, getting violated by Y/A every day.
Reply:Liberals typically use all forms of media to spread lies and socialist concepts.

YA is no exception.
Reply:This place isn't all antiAmerican

Im sure we have some conservatives here
Reply:I don't exactly classify myself as Conservative. But I'm NOT a liberal either. I'm finding the same problem with the liberal Conservative debate as the republican democrat issue. too much all or nothing as for This is the set of Ideas we have. Can't we have some one who supports ALL Rights and Freedoms of the Constitution of The United States Of America? That's a party I could go with. Too many pick a few to support and try to get rid of others. I want to be able to Both Keep my firearms %26amp; have the Right to be a pagan. To Have Both Freedom of Speach and Freedom of Choice.
Reply:I'm still here, standing up for my beliefs. I get a lot of thumbs down, but if it tells the libs exactly what I think of them, then it's worth it. I get flagged on a regular basis for stupid things like saying "Liberals are liars." Doesn't matter. I get my point across and somebody had to have read them.
Reply:Wow.Another post complaining the other side controls the answer boards.

How many times a week does a liberal or a conservative make this claim?

Apparently not enough.
Reply:No, we haven't given up! Just waiting for them to come up with something like an idea instead of insults! I might be waiting for a while. lol
Reply:They haven't completely taken over. There are still a lot of sensible people on this board, dealing with those liberal wackoes every day, and driving them back into their holes and back under their rocks.
Reply:I think the only reason these boards seem anti-american is because 90% of the people on here don't know a thing about politics and so they jump on the "anti-bush" bandwagon so as to fit in with thier friends. And I don't think the conservatives have given up, I think they just don't care that much about Yahoo Answers.
Reply:I'd like to know where the FISCAL CONSERVATIVES are. Wake up people, the piggy bank is busted, and your boys are running off with the loot.
Reply:The real consevative Americans go by the Constitution and fight to keep it from being eradicated. Our numbers are growing as people young and old are waking up.
Reply:No, 89% of the posts come from uneducated, brainwashed, underpaid, self-throat slitting, followers of the right wing.

The proof of my claim, is in the answers above this one.


God sure must love dumb people because he created so many!


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