...if that mass opinion means that we’re made to look like warmongering fools by the rest of the world? Or is America’s Political Ideology truly that black and white. In other words can a person be behind the country but not necessarily for the government's views, especially when the government is demonstrating blatant stupidity all around. I’m not asking this in regards to any one subject, you can easily fill in your own blanks. War, Immigration, Medicare, Social Security, Educational Funding, Civil Rights, Homeland Security, The Media, Corperate Corruption, etc… Do I have to follow along with the popular political opinion in order to be a patriot or does having a difference of opinion brand me as a terrorist. And how is this different from McCarthyism?
Does patriotism mean that we should follow along with the mass opinion of our country...?
I think being a patriot means standing up for what you believe is "right" for the majority of people. Like the Minutemen are doing. A lot of people disagree with them, but they feel what they are doing is what needs to be done to help secure our country. (Personally, I agree with them). But others feel they are not needed/wanted, etc.
You never have to follow popular opinion. Just get ALL the facts before you make any decisions. Don't just listen to the news. There is always more to the stories that what they tell you. Make up your own mind. God bless! And, OH!, don't forget to vote EVERY chance you get.
Reply:No it doesn't. It just continues to be the accepted way of doing business.Make a stand for free thought not tunnel vision. Peace.
Reply:That's why this country is so great, everyone can have their own opinions.
Reply:patriots stand up for what is right not what the government tells us is right. this corrupt system is about to come crashing down and we will need all the patriots we can muster to rebuild this great nation.
Reply:patriotism is doing what is the best for your country, even if it goes against the public opinion.
Reply:Have your own opinion, but keep an open mind.
Grey is a very good color, and few things are ever as black and white as one might wish.
I believe that being patriotic is holding love and respect for the spirit of your country. If you disagree with an action/decision made by a representative of your country, you should respect their office even if you do not respect that person, and civily make your arguements known.
Reply:Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. Check this site out, you will find a lot of answers for your questions. WWW.currentissues.tv
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