He lied about Iraq. No Question there. Iraq was never a threat, never supported Al Qaida, no WMD's no matter where Powell sent Blix to look.
Tax Cuts for the rich. Lower wages for most Americans.
Secret energy task force, now gas has doubled in price.
No solution to the problem of outsoucing.
No re-eduation of our workforce.
No Child Left Behind underfunded.
Doesn't understand the need for Church and State seperation.
No real effort on Health Insurance (thanks Arnold).
Osama is Free!
Terrorism and hatred of America up, thanks solely to Bush.
That's the short list. Of course he was AWOL, never showed up for his physical while in the Guard.
He makes Clinton look like the Best Ever. Bush has been incompetent on every level from losing the "War on Terror" to his Social Security debacle.
Why does the corporate owned media still protect this guy and his failed policies?
What redeeming features does this presidency have?
Can one honestly say Bush isn't the worst president ever?
As much as I dislike Mr. Bush's policies and the fact that he's tearing this country apart and making all the nations in the world hate us, we've actually have had worse...although, he makes my top 5.
Reply:I am not a big George Bush fan by any means but he is not even close to being the worst president that we have ever had.
That dubious title would have to go to Jimmy Carter.
We are still paying the price for his idiot policies even today with the trouble in the middle east.
As well as many other things like giving away the Panama Canal to apease Manuel Noriega so he wouldn't declair war on the US.
What a joke!
Then we had to go down there and fight a war with Panama anyway. (if you can even call that a war)
Now the Chinese have purchased it from Panama and are running it, isn't that nice?
But it all started with him.
And anyone old enough to have lived through his hideous administration is likely to know that.
His administration was so bad and such an embarrassment to the Democrats that his own party sabotaged his re-election just to get him out of office.
That is why Ronald Reagan won with so many Democratic votes.
I am not partisan so it doesn't matter to me if it is a Republican or a Democrat in office as long as they are a good person with good policies.
George Bush's policy on illegal immigration is really putting me off on him though.
Reply:No....he wasn't the worst ever. There have been many presidents that have been worse. Someone mentioned Andrew Jackson, and I have to agree. Not many presidents have dealt with issues of this magnitude either.
I don't love the guy, but I won't agree that he is the worst.
I don't agree that he lied about Iraq either. We know they had WMD, he used them on his own people. I don't agree with the strategies he's used 100% in dealing with the war but I can see why we we are there.
Reply:Lets look at this post, piece by piece and try to point out the FACTS of his position.
(No solution to the problem of outsourcing).
Bill Clinton gave the green light to outsourcing when he signed NAFTA, this allowed the vast majority of factory jobs to relocate to Mexico and South America. Our entire textiles industry was lost, Levy’s jeans are not even made in America any more.
(No re-education of our workforce.)
Bill Clinton promised Government sponsored re-training for everyone who lost their job due to NAFTA, what did the government provide? Zippy!
(No Child Left Behind under funded.)
Bush doesn't control the purse strings in Washington, the congress and senate do. The Republican and Democrats on the hill are responsible for that one.
(Doesn't understand the need for Church and State separation.)
Read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, nowhere in it does it call for a separation of church and state, this is a modern liberal myth. What it forbids is a Government sponsored church, I.E. The Church of England where the King is both head of state and the head of the church. In fact the declaration of Independence credits GOD as the entity that gives you your rights not man. I bet that drives the Atheists nuts!
(No real effort on Health Insurance)
In 8 years under Bill Clinton what did we get? Zippy
(Osama is Free!)
Bill Clinton had the opportunity to have Osama Bin Ladin assassinated after the US embassy bombings and the attack on the USS Cole, we had assets on the ground with Bin Ladin in sight and Clinton refused to give the order. Bill Clinton had the chance to stop 9/11 but didn't do it.
(Terrorism and hatred of America up, thanks solely to Bush.)
Terrorists have been attacking the United States since 1979, starting with hostages being taken in Iran, US Embassy bombings in Lebanon that killed 250+ marines, bombing of that pan am flight over Lockerby Scotland, etc, etc, we have been at war with Islamic fundamentalists for almost 30 years now.
(That's the short list. Of course he was AWOL, never showed up for his physical while in the Guard.)
Did you no see the news that story was completely made up, to factual evidence at all. CBS made the whole thing up and it cost Dan Rather is job. At least Bush served in the guard, Bill Clinton didn't even have the guts to do that. He fled the country and protested American policy in Russia that is called TREASON.
(He makes Clinton look like the Best Ever. Bush has been incompetent on every level from losing the "War on Terror" to his Social Security debacle.)
He is the first President to actually do something about the "War on Terror" Instead of sweeping it under the rug and hoping it would go away like every president before him. Social Security debacle? People have been saying something needs to be done about Social Security for 25 years but politicians are so afraid of the senior citizen vote they won't touch that issue. Bill Clinton did absolutely nothing about it in 8 years! What are we going to do when our taxes are going to have to be raised to 70-80 percent to keep Social Security functioning? The current system will no longer work and changes need to happen, that is fact!
I suggest you get your facts strait because the "Blame Bush For Everything" position only shows how ignorant to recent history you really are.
George Bush is the worst since Hitler! So what you are saying is that George Bush is worse the Saddam Hussein? The same Saddam Hussein who used chemical weapons on his own people, the same Saddam Hussein who killed as many as a million Iraqi’s during his rain. The same Saddam Hussein who unleashed his two sons to rape and murder as many people they wanted. You have to be the stupidest person who has EVER walked the planet. Here is some free advice, stay away from alcohol, drinking kills brain cells, you loose two more and you’re a talking monkey!
Reply:Not the worst president but the worst HUMAN!
The guy has caused more pain and suffering than anyone on earth. He is the worse since Hitler. He kills with military and with ignorance by refusing to allow medical break throughs from treating billions of people and by refusing to reduce healthcare prices for the weak, old and poor.
Reply:I really respect you and your question.My answer is no one can say Bush is the worst president except those fools and idiots like him.
Reply:I can honestly say he isn't. Andrew Jackson takes the cake.
Reply:i dont think anyone can say that he was the worst president ever. not every president has been faced with something like this or remotely close to it. everyone can bash him as much as they want but i think we would be in much more trouble if Kerry had been elected. considering the circumstances i think he is doing a good job
Reply:Eh. Hoover completely sold out the people though, and kept us isolationist to boot. Not to mention being really bad about immigrants being used as chattel slavery.
Most of the things you list are pretty irrelevant and not his fault.
Reply:No, you can't honestly say that. Anyone who does has a screw or six loose.
Reply:I'd one of the most hated in the history of America and World history.
Reply:I suppose you prefer that *** Jimmy Carter, who brought us 17 percent inflation and let our hostages sit in Iran for 444 days?
This has to be some sort of joke question, right?
Reply:no, i cant, he has failed in every step he took if i were him i would rather resign then taking further steps, around 52 percent of the Americans are not in support of his policies, i hope he gets off the seat soon
Reply:Bush isnt a bad president he inherited a f*%26amp;**ed nation from Clinton. Besides Roosevelt I dont think any other president had to go through what he is going through with the terrorist attacks against our country.
Reply:Sounds like you are a Democrat. Well, for Bush's sake, I will say that Saddam and many others have been captured and/or killed during his presidency. That is a good accomplishment.
I think that that Ulysses Grant was one of the worst American presidents ever. He was a good General, but he was not a very good president.
Maybe you should support G.W. Bush while he is still in office.
Reply:its easy to point fingers but I think that making the right call during war would be really hard sure he is not the best but he is not the worse
Reply:You left out a lot about Bush but no Lincoln was the worst.having the military attack the Southerners. burning there city's.and homes. killing small children. women and men.20 years of occupation.620.000 dead. how could he Not be the worst?But he definitely is the second worst President. that's for sure.May .God Bless America.we need his help.
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