Saturday, November 19, 2011

The HooHaa Monologues?

The world famous play The Vagina Monolgues has been renamed "The HooHaa Monologues" for a performance in Florida, after a woman - and therefore presumed possessor of a "HooHaa" - complained that she was "offended" when her niece - another presumed HooHaa owner - asked her what a vagina was.

This is happening in the nation that leads the world in media presentation of women, in the battle for social, economic and sexual equality and freedom, and - and I merely mention this - in porn consumption.

So ultimately, I just have a couple of questions. Firstly, give a shout out - yes, no, kinda - if you're offended by vaginas. Secondly, anyone got any views on the fact that the play, which speaks out against violence towards and the "silencing" of vaginas, is bowing to the pressure of offence in the USA of all places.

Check out the link for the story:

NB folks - I asked this an hour ago and it never appeared.

The HooHaa Monologues?
That is ridiculous! Vagina is NOT a dirty word! And since it isn't a dirty word, why is it deemed inappropriate for a child to hear the word vagina but ok for her to know the equally innocuous (in swear word terms) hoohah? If she heard the reclaiming c**t monologue, I would have a little more sympathy, but vagina?

It is very sad that the Vagina Monologues would agree to this re-naming. The first monologue, which lists the various names women use to avoid mentioning the word vagina, is going to sound rather hypocritical when it is delivered in "The HooHah Monologues".
Reply:When I was an undegraduate, we wanted to run a production of The Monologues, but the chancellor of the university said that she disapproved of the word "vagina."

We rewrote the play, taking out the word "vagina" and substituting slang/"dirty" words. We never used the same word twice, and the play was MUCH less clean. :)

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