Saturday, November 19, 2011

I need links to websites that have statistical data and graphs/tables on geriatric depression.?

I am writing a research paper on geriatric depression. My hypothesis is that if geriatric depression is not caught on early onset then it may lead to geriatric derpression. In my researh methodology I have to have an experiement. From this experiment I have to answer the following:

The final paper will be a content analysis and will use social artifacts for data collection.

Student will examine media, (print, television, or cinema) depiction of Depression and Suicide in the Elderly.

The final paper will include each of the following sections:

A. Introduction: Problem Identification and Question

•Briefly describe the topic you have selected

•Narrow the broader topic to a specific research question

•Identify and initial hypothesis (I do not think I have done this yet.)

B. Literature Review

•Review the literature on your specific question.

a.Look at it historically.

b.Review the general issue, then review the narrower issue that relates to your specific question.

•Summarize the literature.

a.Include a general overview

b.Include all sides of this issue

c.Include any specific theories or studies that relate to your specific question.


a.Must have a minimum of 6 references.

b.At least ½ of all references must come from professional works (peer reviewed journals, or books).

c.May include references from alternative sources, i.e.:

•Popular, current media

•Organizational websites/documents

•Government documents

C. Study Design (METHODOLOGY)

a.Describe your study design

•What type of study is this?

•What factors went into your decision on type of study?

•What is your instrument? (attach)

•What is your sample?

•How/where will you obtain your sample?

•What is the timeframe for the data collection?

•What threats to internal and external validity might you expect?

b.Discuss any barriers you might expect to encounter in your data collection.


Data Analysis and Results

•Provide analysis of data and results

•What statistical tests did you run? Why? (If none why not?)

•Include tables, graphic representations of results

•Interpret results (but do not draw conclusions)


•What were the strengths of this study? Weaknesses?

•What barriers did you encounter in this research?

•What do your results tell you?

•What generalizations can you make from this study? Why? (If none then why not?)

•What are implications for social work practice?

•What are implications for further research?

I need links to websites that have statistical data and graphs/tables on geriatric depression.?
Check out any of these links. They seem very information!

Good luck on your paper!


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