My boyfriend has to write a traditional college research/thesis paper. and he has said he wants his thesis to be something like Is america in the threat of sliding into fascism, OR
the thesis point my other friend came up with: American corporations influence produces fascism through modifying society's perception with marketing and media control.
How does it affect government and social policy?
some key points considering to research: Emphasizing exactly how corporations are stimulating society towards fascism,
* conservatives advocate more corporate power through business..
* what keeps the poor poor, and the rich rich. What allows martha stewart for example for embezzling to get a slap on the wrist, no jail time. but mugging might get you like 2 years hardcore prison time..
What I want to know is: What thesis could relate fascism and america, what examples can be provided/ researched. and just anything ideas in general on the topic fascism.
Is america in threat of -sliding- into fascism?
Well you could go ahead and state that the only way people give up any freedoms is due to fear. You then go into the fact that since our foundation, political parties have been using propaganda to incite fear of the opposing political party. This then translates into votes and therefore control over the government....where individual rights are widdled down to create the ideal society that the political party believes is correct. Democrats and Republicans both have done this....just in different avenues of focus.
Reply:Facism, such as the distrust and de-valuation of Arab life, and a war on Iraq, which had NOTHING to do with 9/11? I know some Americans who weaer Maple Leaf badges, and pretend to be Canadian when they travel, as the US is so badly-received throughout much of the world.
Reply:don't be silly of course not america is totally into rugged individualism and laisai faire
Reply:Sorry, we're already there. Happened on Nov 22, 1963. If you seriously research it, you'll find its true.
Reply:wont happen...we have too many checks and balances...what this is is a college level assignment given by a liberal(ultra lib it sounds like) professor in an attempt to make the student believe America is dirt or arent going Facist unless,of course,some liberal leaning hack like Obama or Klinton get into office this year...and that wont happen either
Reply:Martha Stewart was not convicted of embezzling, sh was accused then cleared of insider trading but cleared. She went to prison for lying about a crime that was never committed.
Instead of using the Stewart case as an example of how the corporate machine keeps the little man down, use it as an example of how corrupt officials can use their power to destroy anyone. If someone as Rich and powerful as Martha Stewart cannot defend herself, then what could be or fate.
You should focus on how people use class warfare as a tactic to gain power.
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